The real reason the demonrat scum-of-the-nation and the unwashed vermin that lap up the scum on the bottom of soros's hooves are so upset about HCQ/Azithromycin/Zinc relates directly to their fave ideology - Hegelian Dialectics - of first creating a crisis and then after the crisis has roiled for a time…come up with the solution.
The globalist scum and their disgusting, vile, demonrat bootlickers had both the virus they paid china to create AND the solution, but when President Trump swiped nancy's ice cream by talking and promoting HCQ+ they had to attack it because they didn't want the treatment to come out yet. They were going to wait until late September and then magically come up with the 'cure' in the hopes that would get President Trump out of office and allow the soros-scum and the muslim brotherhood to take over the American government and the chinese communist party to expand their ownership and control over media in America.
Simply concept…but it would take intelligence to make it work and the demonrat scum have shown time and time again that they don't have the intelligence to deal in such.
Now, millions around the world know…we also know that many world leaders (link to sauce below) were provided with the knowledge and treatment before the china virus was released and that's why pond scum like senile joe and others were able to comment about the plannedemic last year…they knew because they were the organizers, financiers and producers of the china virus and the pond scum were hoping that killing millions would get President Trump out of office and let the communist sub-intellects gain power again.
Evil no longer has a leader! Even satan has rejected the demonrats as being embarrassing (pic from satan's twatter included for confirmation).
Good has a strong leader!
Guess who wins?