hell no msdnc is ramping up thar fire and later this after noon steph the rhule and katie turd are gonna rape ali and ahmed on the street – black power
if it was depraved as you say thar mr nyc poli man- and its his duty to protect and to serve the public acting in a depraved way…,
sounds like the charge should be increased seeing as it iwas depraved and tharfore severly violating with intent his duites marking the depravity moar like murder with intent - 1
thats sum gnarly shit right thar – says he died of covid-19 too
demonrat slave owner overheard saying – Floyd deserved that arse kickin
huomo cuomo getting drilled by bri the dyke williams over the FLOYD murder – he asksss .., would you lose a police precinct??
huomo: "hell no - too busy getting rid of the elderly – saving tons of money - way over 40%
wunder how these msndc idiots are gonna reconcile the med examiner report - the meonrat guv mayor and pd…, thar FUCKED
They still have unaccounted for nursing home DEATHS– MURDERERS commenting on MURDERERS
HUOMO: blindsided the chYna virus came from Europe Union not chYna…, we didint now, snif f waahha wniff..,still cant let a good crisis go - NY dwindled down the massive burden caused by nursing home hospice care!
so Twitter actually threatened to use German law as an enforcement tool against the WHITE HOUSE!!!
come on man, you gotta have biden thar at yourre side saying the ole mans lost it and shit.., threatening the US government with German LAW!..
you are the stupidest hack jack