Q and Trump are stalling til the comet gets here.
That's why they never actually do shit.
That's why they want people inside.
Q and Trump are stalling til the comet gets here.
That's why they never actually do shit.
That's why they want people inside.
Something BIG is coming.
Why would a movie about a COMET have a PING PONG paddle on the cover?
Pedo "elites" are stalling til their Messiah gets here.
It's always darkest before the don
The destroyer - revelation 9/11
This is all bullshit. They are stalling til this thing gets here.
Q and Trump are Masonic garbage.
Stalling til their Messiah arrives.
Moon controls the tides
Jesus walked on water
Mars and Moon
Mary and Jesus
Ma and son
Red bull gives you wings!!!
We are stuck in the movie Stay Tuned
Everything is a secret satanic joke.
OJ'S white bronco was the white horse of the apocalypse
Another satanic joke
"anons" on this board making Tanit memes
Q and Trump are fake as shit
Use logic
Something would have happened by now
They are stalling til their comet Messiah gets here
Stay inside
Don't look up
Are you being sarcastic?
Epstein died in the middle of the "great awakening" and 45 is tweeting about Joe Scarborough
No one has ever given a fuck about Joe Scarborough