Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.9367546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7580 >>7596 >>7616 >>7715 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Beijing Hardens Resolve to Defy USA, Even While Calling for Cooperation… Threatens to Attack Taiwan


China hardens resolve to defy US, even as it speaks of cooperation; Li Keqiang calls for close trade relations


Beijing: Ignoring threats from Washington, China stripped another layer of autonomy from Hong Kong on Thursday, ploughing ahead with a plan that would ban any form of dissent deemed subversive in the territory reclaimed from Britain more than two decades ago.


But even as the plan was approved by China’s top legislative body, and Chinese officials taunted the United States as an imperious meddler, Premier Li Keqiang struck a conciliatory tone. While offering no concessions to US demands, he called for close trade relations between the two countries.


The clash over Hong Kong and other issues points to the quandary facing China as it grows in power and contends with an increasingly aggressive Trump administration. The Chinese leadership does not want to incinerate the relationship with the US, given the enormous economic benefits. Nor is it willing to back down, reflecting divisions in Beijing between hawks and more moderating forces.


“Anything the US says or does or will do, China will refuse,” Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing, said in a telephone interview.


With both countries blaming each other for the coronavirus pandemic, trade disputes and now the crisis roiling Hong Kong, the result has been a downward spiral of actions and responses that may not let up before President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign ends in November.


The back-and-forth between Washington and Beijing intensified in the past two days.



China threatens to ATTACK Taiwan: One of Beijing’s most senior generals warns the military will use force if there is no other way to stop island becoming independent


Li Zuocheng told Beijing’s Great Hall of People today: ‘The people’s armed forces will take all necessary steps to resolutely smash any separatist plots or actions’

It is very rare for such a senior figure to make such a public threat against Taiwan

Beijing claims Taiwan, but the island democracy refutes it is part of China

It comes as China is cracking down on Hong Kong’s democratic powers


China will attack Taiwan if there is no other way of stopping it from becoming independent, one of the country’s most senior generals said today.


Li Zuocheng, chief of the Joint Staff Department and member of the Central Military Commission told Beijing’s Great Hall of the People: ‘If the possibility for peaceful reunification is lost, the people’s armed forces will, with the whole nation, including the people of Taiwan, take all necessary steps to resolutely smash any separatist plots or actions.’


He added: ‘We do not promise to abandon the use of force, and reserve the option to take all necessary measures, to stabilise and control the situation in the Taiwan Strait.’


The general’s ferocious rhetoric comes amid global outcry over Beijing’s national security legislation in Hong Kong which has once again seen violent clashes between riot police and protesters.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.9367581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7593 >>7608 >>7669 >>7685 >>7715 >>7759 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Minn. police learn from Israeli counter-terrorism conference


June 26, 2012


About 100 Minnesota law enforcement officers attended a counter-terrorism training conference in Minneapolis Monday.


The conference was put on by the Israeli consulate in Chicago, the FBI and Minnetonka police.


Deputy Consul Shahar Arieli said Israeli law enforcement officers shared techniques to prevent terrorist acts, such as suicide bombings.


"We have a police commander who is speaking from the point of view of the police chief," Arieli said. "And we have a bomb tech specialist who is actually speaking about the techniques and the improvised explosive devices that were used by the terrorists."


He said the conference was put on by the Israeli consulate in Chicago, the FBI and Minnetonka police. This is the second year it has taken place.


"Every year we are bringing top-notch professionals from the Israeli police to share some knowledge and know how about how to deal with the terrorism with our American friends," Arieli said.


The half-day conference briefly touches on concerns that law enforcement operations could violate civil rights, but mostly focuses on terrorism prevention techniques," Arieli said.


“Deadly Exchange”: America’s Racist Policing Has Roots in Israel


During training sessions in Israel, American police delegations meet with Israeli military, police, and intelligence agencies and taught what Israel calls counterterrorism, but is in fact no more than “refining methods of racial profiling.”

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.9367588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594 >>7606 >>7662

CBS News cuts 75 staffers in ‘painful day’


CBS News is the latest casualty amid the COVID-19 pandemic after announcing job cuts for 75 staff members Wednesday.


Susan Zirinsky, CBS News president, admitted that it was a “painful day” in a memo seen by Page Six.


We’re told the cuts also affect flagship show “60 Minutes” — and that Zirinsky personally phoned as many of the affected as she could, time permitting.


She wrote: “None could have foreseen the economic fallout from the pandemic coming on top of the cost savings initiatives already underway from the merger of CBS and Viacom. As a result, we have scrutinized our entire business model, our budgets, and what we learned in news-gathering during the last months. We are not alone; media companies and businesses all over the country are re-organizing and developing new operating models.


“Working with reduced budgets, we have had to make some extremely difficult decisions. I’m sad to report today that some of our colleagues and good friends will be leaving the company.


“These decisions are particularly painful for our entire organization, which has performed at the highest level during the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming so many obstacles. But this restructuring is necessary to ensure CBS News remains strong long into the future.”


Zirinsky said both she and Kimberly Godwin, executive vice president of CBS News, would be attending regular show meetings throughout the day to answer staff questions.


“CBS News is not alone in this process — similar changes are happening across many CBS divisions today and have taken place in Viacom divisions over the past few months. We looked at every option and exhausted other available cost-savings before taking this step. There is nothing more upsetting than having to face these economic realities and I’ve tried very hard to minimize the impact on all of you,” the memo continued, concluding: “While it is a painful day, I know the strength and the power of this organization, and I know that we can go forward in a meaningful way.”


The news comes as we’re told that most top brass on all the major networks have taken pay cuts during this time of crisis — but on-air talent are not believed to have had their pay affected.


CBS declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.9367643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7658 >>7715 >>7979 >>8011 >>8227 >>8262

Minneapolis riots are PUTIN’S PLAN, ‘Russiagate’ thought-peddlers warn


George Floyd’s apparent murder by a Minneapolis police officer wasn’t just a shocking display of police brutality. It was part of Russia’s plan to topple the US, according to the twilight-zone takes of the liberal intelligentsia.


Floyd, an unarmed black man, died in police custody after he was crushed under the knee of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Monday. Since his death, the city has been consumed by riots, looting and arson. The incident was just one in the US’ history of police beatings and killings of unarmed black males, from Rodney King in 1991 to Eric Garner in 2014.


However, a cohort of Russia-obsessed pundits and influencers have already decided that Vladimir Putin, not Derek Chauvin, is the real villain in the story.


“#George Floyd's murder fits into Russia's master plan to promote VIOLENCE in US., per intelligence community,” Leanne Watt, a clinical psychologist, tweeted on Friday. Watt, though clearly educated, accused President Trump of “fanning flames” of a race war between ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters and “White Supremacists,” ignoring not just the complete lack of evidence of Russian involvement, but also the fact that almost nobody – whites included – has taken Chauvin’s side in the Minneapolis case.


These facts also didn't bother writer and activist Xeni Jardin who reminded her followers that Russia wants to provoke “racial conflict between Americans to weaken the US.” In a series of unhinged tweets, Jardin claims that Putin “might have given” President Donald Trump advice on how to attack the press, accused the president of being a Russian “surrogate,” and accused Russian media of pushing “weaponized content” about the Minneapolis incident.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.9367659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7715 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Forget the race-baiting scare tactics, Trump has every right to go after ‘thugs’ as Minneapolis burns


As Minneapolis suffers its third day of massive looting, burning and rioting, a number of commentators believe the violent behavior on the streets serves as justice for the death of George Floyd. It does not.


In one swift moment, the main story in the United States is no longer the coronavirus, and certainly not social distancing, as Minnesota’s largest city struggles to contain a wave of violence following the March 26 killing of George Floyd, 46, at the hands of police.


What needs to happen is that the four officers responsible for Floyd’s death be punished to the fullest extent of the law. What mustn’t be allowed to happen, however, is for the people of Minneapolis to be held hostage as their fair city is reduced to smoldering rubble before their eyes. Yet that is exactly what is happening.


In the name of some dubious justice, many of those out on the streets of Minneapolis and nearby St. Paul are not there to uphold the memory of a dead man, but rather to mindlessly destroy property, loot stores and smash into ATM machines. Far from being a meaningful demonstration against police brutality, these protesters have cast a pall over the memory of George Floyd with their own senseless brand of violence and opportunistic theft. Meanwhile, some members of the mainstream media seem too happy to provide an apology for the rampage.


MSNBC commentator, Joy Reid, for example, reminded her viewers that police officers did nothing last month when a group of “armed white men” entered the Michigan State House to protest against the Covid-19 lockdown. Yet when black people in Minneapolis protested against the death of an innocent man, Reid argued, the police responded with tear gas and “full force.”

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:19 p.m. No.9367686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7692 >>7701 >>7715 >>7888 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Minnesota PD denies undercover COP started Minneapolis riot amid avalanche of speculation


The St. Paul Police Department has categorically denied one of its officers escalated the Minneapolis riots by smashing the window of an auto parts store while undercover, after social media sleuths claimed to have identified him.


St. Paul Police Department attempted to squelch viral rumors fingering Officer Jacob Pederson as the agent provocateur who smashed the windows of a Minneapolis AutoZone earlier this week in footage widely circulated on social media. In a series of tweets posted on Thursday, they denied that the man in the footage was Pederson and attempted to shame people for spreading the rumor, insisting their officer had been “working hard, keeping people and property safe, and protecting the right to peacefully assemble.”


The official denial only served to pour more fuel on the fire, however.

The AutoZone was the first building to be torched, shortly after its windows were smashed.



Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.9367722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7729 >>7739 >>7751 >>7806 >>7880 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Taylor Swift accuses Trump of 'stoking the fires of white supremacy'


The pop star promised to help vote Trump out of office


Superstar singer Taylor Swift lashed out at President Donald Trump in a fiery tweet on Friday accusing him of "stoking the fires of white supremacy" throughout his presidential term.


Swift fired off her angry insult via a tweet from her official social media account.


"After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?" she tweeted.


"'When the looting starts the shooting starts'??? We will vote you out in November," she added.


Swift was referring to a tweet the president sent over the destructive rioting and looting in Minneapolis on Thursday evening.


"These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way," the president tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.9367747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Watch Live: George Floyd Protest in Washington, DC


Protesters plan to take to the streets in Washington, DC, on Friday to protest the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.9367822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7882 >>7961 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Karl Rove Spotted at Trump White House, Again


Karl Rove, the political architect of President George W. Bush’s successful 2000 and 2004 White House campaigns, has again been spotted at the White House after reports circulated that he is advising President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign.


On Friday, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman posted online that Rove has again been seen at the White House. The report comes a week after Business Insider reported that Rove, who infamously wrongly predicted the 2016 presidential election, was beginning to advise Trump on the campaign trail.


“Spotted at White House again this week: Karl Rove,” Haberman wrote.


In April 2016, Trump called Rove “such a dishonorable guy” in an exclusive Breitbart News interview. Trump’s comments were in response to a Wall Street Journal op-ed by Rove where he accused the then-presidential candidate of operating a vanity project rather than a policy-driven campaign.


“[Rove] shouldn’t be allowed to write for the Wall Street Journal,” Trump said.


Rove has consistently been on the opposite side of Trump on the president’s key campaign issues. In 2014, Rove was one of the leading Republican establishment figures pushing for an amnesty for illegal aliens.


Likewise, as Breitbart News has noted, Rove has been consistently publicly opposed to Trump’s tariffs on Chinese imports and attacked the president for his killing President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade deal.


One of Rove’s longstanding objections to Trump’s 2016 agenda was his continued support for the Iraq War. In April 2015, Rove told an Iraq War veteran that despite the casualties of nearly 4,500 American service members, removing Saddam Hussein “from power” was “the right to” do.


“The United States government and the United States military was right to do so,” Rove said of the Iraq War. “We should be proud of what we were able to do in Iraq and we should be sorry that we left them alone, because when we left them, things deteriorated.”


Trump has opposed the Iraq War since January 2003.


Rove has also accused Trump, as recently as August 2018, of using the language of Soviet Union communist dictator Joseph Stalin when talking about the establishment media.


“I think calling names is not helpful to our country from any side,” Rove said. “Calling [the media] the enemy of the people that just grates on me. I grew up during the time of the Cold War. That is a phrase that was used by Stalin against the enemies of the communist regime. I think the president would be well advised to tone down the rhetoric.”


Is Rove negotiating for the cabal?

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.9367846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Far-Left Extremists Arrested While Attempting to Bomb Home of Former Greek Minister


Greek police arrested two far-left extremists in Thessaloniki, after the pair attempted to set off explosives at the house of conservative former Minister of State Dimitris Stamatis.


The pair, a 27-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman, were arrested on Wednesday morning in the Kalamariá area of the city as the male was attempting to detonate improvised explosives he had hidden in his backpack.


Following the arrests, police raided four houses in the centre of the city connected with the pair. Investigators found a tear gas grenade, four homemade explosives, a slingshot with metal bolts, plastic bottles full of flammable material, cannabis, and electronics that will be examined by a crime lab, Proto Thema reports.


Police suspect another ten people as being connected to the case, and prosecutors have said they will charge the pair with several indictments including attempted bombing, possession of explosives, possession of small amounts of narcotics, and forming a criminal organisation.


Both of the suspects have denied the allegations, according to their lawyers.


Investigators were tipped off to the pair’s activities after watching the woman observe a nearby apartment while on her bicycle. The 27-year-old male was seen visiting the area a short time later and trying to light fuses for the improvised explosives.


The case comes just over a week after far-left Antifa extremists were believed to be behind a coordinated number of arson attacks across Athens, with 40 people arrested in connection with the incident. All suspects were later released due to a lack of evidence.


The attempted bomb plot against former minister Stamatis echoes the bombing of a party office of Matteo Salvini’s League in the city of Treviso in August of 2018.


The far-left “Santiago Maldonado Cell” later took credit for the bombing which damaged the door at the entrance. Police were able to disarm a second explosive device that is believed to have been the main bomb. The first was designed to lure police.


Spanish anarchist Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez was arrested last year in connection with the bombing, a long-time far-left extremist.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.9367877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>8024

HHS Dep. Sec. Hargan: Gov. Cuomo ‘disingenuous’ to shift blame for nursing home policy


Looking back on the initial response to the novel coronavirus outbreak, many Americans are pointing fingers at New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for ordering nursing homes to take in recovering COVID-19 patients putting the most vulnerable populations at risk in a state hardest hit by the virus.


In an exclusive interview on “The Sara Carter Show” Thursday, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary criticized Gov. Cuomo’s negligence. In recent weeks, Gov. Cuomo has shifted the blame on the nursing homes for the decision to admit the patients.


Hargan told Sara Carter that Cuomo’s blame game is “disingenuous.”


“New York is an outlier in this circumstance with regard to their nursing homes as you well pointed out,” Hargan explained. “You know we’ve known since the beginning of this disease outbreak that it goes for the old and it goes for the medically frail. And those are combined in nursing homes those are the places where the elderly and the medically frail and the elderly medically frail are.”


He added, “That’s been the problem it was the problem all the way along in Europe and here that’s been the issue to require these patients to be taken from the hospitals to the nursing homes is a real problem. And I think that has to be faced by the state that regardless of what somebody says now about well they could have decided not to do it or they shouldn’t have done it if they couldn’t have. When the state says this is what you’re required to do a lot of places feel that’s what they’re going to have to do.”



Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.9367891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7901 >>7979 >>8227 >>8262

Senior SDF Commander Survives Assassination Attempt In Southeast Deir Ezzor


Late on May 28, a senior commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), known as “Abu Hatishah,” survived an assassination attempt in southeast Deir Ezzor.


According to the Jesr Press, an improvised explosive device (IED) ripped through Abu Hatishah’s pick-up in the Muzan neighborhood in the town of al- Susah. The commander survived the attack with no injuries.


Abu Hatishah, whose real name is Abdul Karim al-Jund al-Jadim, is a key figure of the SDF’s Deir Ezzor Military Council (DMC). He leads the DMC’s Khabat al- Shaitati Regiment.


Attacks on SDF commanders in southeast Deir Ezzor are common. Last month, a prominent commander of the group’s security forces, Asayish, survived an assassination attempt. An IED struck the commander’s pick-up as it was passing in the town of Jadeed Bakkarah.


ISIS cells were likely behind these attacks. In spite of the U.S.-led coalition recent security operations in southeast Deir Ezzor, the group’s members are still highly-active in the Arab region.

Anonymous ID: 9eb2e6 May 29, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.9368160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8173 >>8223 >>8227 >>8262

White House on Lockdown Due to Protest Over George Floyd Death in Police Custody


Protesters in front of the White House prompted a lockdown of the Executive Mansion Friday evening. The protest over the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd started at 14th and U St, NW, a couple hours ago with a street blockade and then a march to the White House.


CBS News producer Gabrielle Ake tweeted, “WH is on lockdown due to the protests. WH press still here has now been asked to locate back into the briefing room. The doors are locked.”


Earlier reporters were held from leaving the grounds of the White House.


Video of protesters in front of the White House.

