Trust me they try and break perimeter on WH SS will take them down any way they need to.
Well congratulation Omar.
And then all of a sudden it was encouraged to wear a mask at a protest that will turn into a riot.
i am not sure it is legal for marines to kill US citizens just yet - SS yes.
Protesters try and breach WH perimeter Trump will blow his stack and it will be full on.
plane fags?
note police gas masks are COVID Compliant not always for deploying gas.
What kinda rank do you have to get a Clydesdale in the mounted police corp?
some of these people yelling have very expensive camera equipment - better than Walmart.
one city easy for mil but 6-8 would take 3 day planning.
if they looted that armory in Minneapolis about 1 hour before dusk they will take positions on roofs and with cover and it will get bad and strike teams of gang like cars of armed men moving from location to location.
if they looted the Minn Armory they have night scopes.
funniest shit if COVID what i think it is - in two weeks 1/3 these people sick, 1/3 immune hypersyndrome for life, and only 1/3 left.