It's not
Nope. Here because Pol is cancer and I like some fun news bullshit. But we will all be back to work soon and earning those wages!
Nothing is happening.
First baby wipes. Then some Coconut oil
Nope. Just know how these things go. Don't worry anon, it's exciting for sure. Just make sure you take your masks to work with you! Bills aint gonna pay themselves!
Lmfao and there you have it. Another fucking month of nothing. And what's gonna happen to Pelosi? "Uhhm ma'am you can't do that, please don't do that" And then nothing. Just fucking nothing.
Wow. Considering what you're supposedly up against through all of this, you decide to make a worthless comment about child abuse. This place truly is sophisticated.
Reading comprehension is definitely the term of the week for you all ain't it.