MAGA Riots Pre-Show is s over the MAGA Riots will now escalate to very serious levels.
Going after CNN shows the MAGA Riots are on.
Buckle-Up people.
MAGA Riots Pre-Show is s over the MAGA Riots will now escalate to very serious levels.
Going after CNN shows the MAGA Riots are on.
Buckle-Up people.
Everything that is happening the CoronaVirus and now nationwide riots was predicted on 8Chan
Q Research 2 years ago.
Oh yeah Muh Dick also said Sessions was full of shit and do not trust Sessions.
Hannity tell the country George Floyd was was degenerate trainwreck pornographer.
Hannity is a shill for the Murdock's special interest.
How did monkey man Lawrence Jones instantly become a expert political pundit?