Govs and Mayors don't want to quash the riots because all the MSM will run is pictures of water cannons and tear gas, including a 3 week -old baby that got hit by a tear gas canister that they have saved up from the gilets jaunes demonstrations in Paris.
Better for DS to let it go pear-shaped so Trump has to step in with the feds, then he can take the blame for all the "violence" the feds wreak on the looters/arsonists/vandals asses. DS just wants another Kent State.
It's 1968 all over again. SSDC (same shit, different century). Rednecks/hardhats were held back from wading into the hippie protests just as law-abiding citizens are being held back from defending themselves against the rioters now.
Feds are going to have to come in and do it anyway, this time. I think D govs and pols are being ordered to let it go and the DS string pullers thought POTUS would have stepped in already. POTUS should wait for a public plea from complicit Govs, in defiance of their string pullers, before he brings the feds in, IMO.