Oh wow
Faggots hate panties
And panties hate Faggots (lb)
Oh wow
Faggots hate panties
And panties hate Faggots (lb)
Epic prosti-toots cold wars indeed
Oto needs poop play fornthier frolics
Golden GEHY poo joo drumpf
Fulfilling empty Uranus hopeium
Is their only farts
Oh no
Nambla false Jesus tredeau needs to ruin another cuntry with its pathetic illuminmangina gapes
Oh no
GEHY poo jooo drumpf is escaping with tranny
We will be so miserable without all the Jew memes
Is that GEHY poop running for Tijuana right now ?
Mao killed 200 million Jews
We should throw a "neck rod Rosenstein on the doorknob " theme party 🎉
Xenu made you do that huh
What if
The Muslim brotherhood
Helped fulfill the dianetics prophecy
No one cares what you feel
Who the fuck plans this shit with a ceremonial bridge for guilotiens , then gets them all killed with a fucking pencil ✏️