Closest two-year delta.
Closest two-year delta.
Dubdubs confirm.
Long-since justified. There is absolutely no reason not to assassinate him. Nobody would honestly even miss him. Nobody but us knows who the fucker is.
This has to be one of the best posts of all time. It should be notable, but the absolute state of this place lately.
Fuckin' loser. What a pathetic excuse for an anon you are. You've been here all of three weeks and telling people to kys. Go out and hang yourself by a rope until you're dead, Hillary.
Yes, you do have them. Post or GTFO.
Except Soros faggots beat boogaloo to CNN, so who wants to do it anymore. Maga rioters are sitting in their trailers wishing they actually owned guns and drinking natty lights while they beat their slutty girlfriends before passing out in their own piss.