Anonymous ID: 2761af Sept. 12, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.2987525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, but a there's an alternative explanation for this [10s] Delta. What if, and I stress IF, Q has a contact inside Twitter that's able to intercept POTUS' posts as they come in and alert the Q people (whoever they might be) who are waiting for the right moment to push the 8chan post button? Of course, this is assuming Q is an opposition psyop. Twitter is in the enemy camp, after all. I don't rule out that Q may be legit yet, but a few things have raised many red flags in my suspicious mind and I'm not going to accept anything at face value blindly from an anonymous source. It could also be a coincidence very cleverly exploited if Q is a gang of scammers, but I concede that the probabilities are small.

I know it is almost sacrilege to doubt Q's word around here, but I cannot remain silent.