Anonymous ID: ff933b CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE May 29, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.9374020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q+ & Q,


I fully support your agenda to drain the vast Swamp (corrupt government bureaucrats from both parties). Washington DC has been massively corrupt for a long, long time. The glaring reality, however, is that the Trump Administration has accomplished ZERO prosecutions of the many, many corrupt DC bureaucrats at the highest levels of the US Government – after 3.5 years!!!.


The Trump administration has ZERO credibility to enforce the law across America, when it cannot even enforce the law within its own house (federal government). Where are the house-cleaning results of your Administration, at the highest echelons of government, as evidenced by prosecutions (firings are a mere slap on the wrist)??? The Swamp is pervasive, yet your Administration has failed to successfully prosecuted even ONE corrupt high-level bureaucrat in the past 3.5 years???


Please set the example, by putting your own house in order!!! Then, your Administration will have the credibility to tell the rest of the country how to "follow the law". STOP THE HYPOCRISY. CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE, THE CORRUPT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, FIRST. UNTIL YOU CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE, YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY TO TELL THE REST OF THE COUNTRY HOW TO FOLLOW THE LAW!!!