Q, please tell us that POTUS will be cleaning house in CA. With illegal immigration drivers licenses and motor voter laws, a rigged election set up which means we had a choice between two Democrats for Senator, the highest taxes in the country, state senators that tell us that having beer kegs in their office is just "how business is done" in Sacramento, an activist judiciary that, for instance, overthrew a statewide popular vote (re: gay marriage–we voted against it, a gay judge fucking threw our vote out)…we have been ripped off so many times the few patriots left in the state are mostly the ones that can't afford to leave.
I was born here, but it's no longer my country. Some places it's difficult to find someone that speaks English. When I worked in industrial construction in the past decade, a lot of my supervisors were illegals–these were jobs that payed $30 an hour, often $50 when you got prevailing wages. I was lucky-family connection. But for the most part, others had been locked out of almost that whole industry (locally at least).
We're trapped here, disenfranchised…please tell POTUS to send a message to the rest of the world when he cleans house in CA.