California along would drive the nation into a state of emergency…And their GDP along would destroy nation's wealth. What better way to bring in a gold standard because of The Golden State? ;) I'm just saying…What do you think, Q?
>Make Pizza Great Again
And we have just the guy to do it. I order pizza proudly now, knowing GEOTUS is working overtime to bring those pedos to justice. We support POTUS and the Q team. Do us a favor and Make America Gold Again? We'd really appreciate it.
Wew! Mad digits! Are those dollars backed by precious metals? ;)
>Did Trump find the Red Cross stash?
I bet he did, anon. Bono & Apple use that company to launder money all over. If they closed that pipeline, that would be so sweet.
Hence all those EBS testings? That would be saucy. My God, let that be da wei.