It wasn't about the virus. The local governments in blue states issued the lockdown orders, and now they allow rioters to violate those rules en masse.
All right, clockfag. What's next on the clock? This shit is coming full circle with old drops.
Hush, shill. The big boys and girls are talking.
Holy shit this level of spamming and shilling
It was the wee hours of the morning. There were just 50 UID's in the bread and half of them were shills, samefags, and bots. I nervously smoked, sipping my covfefe and trying to establish contact with my fellow digital soldiers, but the clowns were everywhere. What the hell was happening to out boys out there?
That's when it occurred to me: When do you get flak? I switched to red text.
Silence. Suspense at the mechanical hum of our machines. BOOM! Static. Chatter. Chaos. Fires erupting on some distant battleground. I sipped my covfefe.
>when Obama gave the jihadists pallets of cash and domestic terrorists just get a pallet of bricks
Hussein really did sell us out
You said it in your post
It's been a tremendous honor. Thank you. Please do another Q&A
Also, Q, if you're reading this-I give the movie 10/10 so far
Do…do you really think they got all the buses and ninja suits overnight? What about the Craigslist ads asking for crisis actors?
Stop and consider the possibility that ANTIFA and Soros goons are live on the chans and ITT right now.
These might not just be shills.
Be the autist you want to see. If you think they're using game comms, then download a game and check worldchat. If you think it's Twitter check there
I see your point.
We can probably agree that this level of plotting and organization is too much for it to plausibly be unplanned.
Anons are monitoring Twitter and livestreams. That much is covered.
Game comms are unlikely given that Q has already exposed them. At the very least, there are so many mobile games with a chat feature I wouldn't know where to start.
If it's ANTIFA, though, they may simply have a group text thing going on or an app that only they have access to. I see no point in using transceiver bullshit. We have smartphones.
IIRC they threatened to frame hisbfsmily on bullshit charges
Food supply chain being destroyed.