In what city would you place your bet where a masked "Trump Supporter" will fire the first shot?
Will America stop burning when they finally arrest John Brennan?
How many cities have to burn; how many millions must lose their jobs; how much fraud must be committed; how many prisoners must be released; how many Democrats must laugh before conservatives realize that the Republic is lost?
Anons - you do not realize what is happening: The country is lost. Riots are escalating. Citizens are being attacked in their cars. What do you think will happen when "Trump's personal lawyer" William Barr indicts the first high-profile Democrat? Do you think the violence will suddenly stop?
Trump has failed.
When do theNOTABLEs save the Republic for which it once stood??
How interesting is it that exactly one day after the humiliated MSNBC reporter unintentionally ended the fakenews mask scare that a massive new story breaks and a shadowy figure starts a race war?
Now that we havefinallyestablished the riots are planned, paid-for and executed by leftist traitors, what now?
To whom do you think he's now talking after 40 million lost jobs and the final stages of destruction of America through internal terrorism? '
Anon nailed it. There is noNSA: WE HAVE IT ALL. Anon realizes you are all own your own - Q is not military intelligence
What do you think "it all" is now?
If you count the "?" [question marks] in all of Q's posts from the first to the last, it reveals a secret. Can you figure it out ->?
What would you say to Q if you had the chance to meet it right now?