Some good news: the community clean up has begun.
He's going to drive the left nuts with that "they love it" line. If he's trying not to look racist that's going to really screw up the effort, bit it's pretty damn funny.
>Trust sessions
POTUS is telling people not to vote for sessions. I get your double meaning and the meme is great though. Although I'm not sure that trying to awaken dream-people who lack inherent existence does anything, you know what I mean?
Because they have no logic. Some people just want to heal the world and some just want to watch it burn.
He'd be called racist and his life would be destroyed if he did that.
If you want to be called racist, have your job and address posted to social media, your life destroyed and be charged with a hate crime, sure.
Liberals will read that post as "my young white henchmen love threatening evil blacks" so he worded it pretty poorly. Funny as hell though.
Maybe in Texas.
Even the Holy Bible said the problem was "those who call themselves Jews, but are not". If God Himself telling you isn't enough to make you see that there's a problem, you will never see it.
What you are saying in this post is incredibly anti-semitic. You no longer have your constitutionally guaranteed freedom of association, not since the 1960s.
Go post on a popular twitter hashtag that you no longer want to associate with Jews and count how many responses you get calling you anti-semitic.
>he spell on the black community is broken.
They no longer live in constant hatred of whitey.
Have you not been watching the livestreams? Quite a lot of black people are openly chanting to kill all whites. Tucker Carlson even highlighted it on his show.
When you remove Iranian/Chinese/Russian/Jewish etc influence from our legal professions and government, so probably never.