Q 4291
1 year delta retweet POTUS day re @Jack
Big day.
Mop up operations in effect.
All assets being rounded up.
Q 4291
1 year delta retweet POTUS day re @Jack
Big day.
Mop up operations in effect.
All assets being rounded up.
professionally organized
The George Floyd Spark
The Ahmaud Arbery Spark
The Breonna Taylor Spark
That many sparks light fires.
Hmmmm, thinking it goes with the painting the white roses red for the Red Queen, but not precisely.
The ACORN never falls far from the tree. If you want to know what the weather is going to be, ask a WEATHERMAN.
So he read The Grand Inquisitor. Big whoop.
Aiding and Abetting
There was a man in front of a burning building saying that the protesters were for the most part peaceful.
Still as bitchy as ever, too.
Notice how the white cop was afraid to hit her back, and how the black cop wasn't.
That tells you what you need to know about racial police work.
Too many white cops too cautious to do their jobs.
Yup. If Jews were Jews, they would be Christians, as Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Rejecting the Jewish Messiah = Not a Jew at all.
Be tricky to prove one's innocence, especially with the massive black cloud of guilt surrounding oneself.
You too Swordy
I loathe and despise papists, so, I guess you're not as aware of your audience as you think you are.
The spell on the black community is broken.
They no longer live in constant hatred of whitey.
They now have something to defend, and to be proud of, and that's what they're going to do.
Get out of the house more.
Learn about the black middle class.
Learn what hope can bring to a community.
Learn what men working brings to a family.
Maybe stop watching the news; you have no innate filters.
=There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home
Exactly who were Raf Welford and Neil Petter?
RAF Welford is home to the 420th Munitions Squadron, it is located 40 minutes south of Oxford in Oxfordshire.
Neil Petter may go by the name of Neil Hazard.
If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that the vast majority does not matter; only the rabid and committed minority matters. The majority will follow them, no matter where they lead.
The Synagogue of Satan is everyone going to hell, not just hypocritical Jews. Everyone. So, most of humanity belongs to the Synagogue of Satan.
Because they rejected the opportunity to be adopted into the family of God, and because they remained dead in their sins.
Just because it says Synagogue does not mean Jew Onry.
Jesus taught the Law of Moses, and came to offer salvation first to the Jew, and then, upon that rejection, to the Gentile/Non-Jew.
All who reject Jesus Christ belong to the Synagogue of Satan.
Excellent dig. I note more and more that we only need to dig through our own stuff to find the truth.
You post the savior of the world, a semetic man, a descendant of Shem, and not Japtheh, the father of the Caucasians, and praise the white man for, what, again?
Your liberty will die with you.
Your freedom will die with you.
Your way of life will die with you.
What then do you have?
August 4, 4004 BC.
It did not go well for humanity.
We still live under their oppressive rule.
Soros = Y ==[Y] = [Soros] has been removed from the game.
Waste of time listening to anyone who has a sign language person next to them.
Then don't cry when you get what you wished for.
There's infinite expansion.
Presuppose everything in the bible is true.
Presuppose the serpent in the Garden of Eden was an interdimensional alien being who had recently lost a coup against the Almight.
Presuppose that devil caused humanity to join in his rebellion against the Almight.
From the beginning.
The god of this world, today, this very day, is the devil himself, and his billion or so rebel demons.