Anonymous ID: b3e394 May 30, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.9376265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6286 >>6379

America has declared war on the Catholic Church in defense of their Jewish rulers.


Congratulations, here you all are again today, pretending not to hate Catholics. How odd it is that the evil Jesuits actually ran a series of articles a hundred years ago in catolica concluding the Jews must e divested of all their wealth as it was all stolen and the jews must be expelled 100% from europe


now how come THAT fact NEVER appears in the Q posts about the Catholic Church, a Church run by jews and masons, a church subject to attack by America since 1945?




Why do Jews keep lying about Adam Weishaupt?


Catholics - the Talmud and all extra-Talmudic sauces

are clear -


The Synagogue of Stan holds the OHCA Church as their number one enemy, and enemy that must be destroyed, destroyed as the (final)

condition precedent to full-blown open world rule where the Jews are their own messiah.


Anyone that hides that from you is not your friend.


To be blunt - Jesus is God, God identifies the Synagogue of Satan as His number one foe, the Synagogue in turn identifies the Catholic Church, her PRACTICES dogmas and doctrine as their number one enemy.


The implication is profound and for some "Christians" an issue they are

happy to lie about as they are agree with the enemies of Jesus, how embarrassing. Jews are not the only liars.


Catholics - these are people that redact and edit Thomas a Kempis then try to pass it off as their own work, this is who you are dealing with, people that condemn us out of once side of their mouth for practice X before applying the condemnation of practice X by the Jews to themselves as if the Jews are talking about them!


Whatever the Talmud condemns in us, Protestants agree with…how very odd, what a coincidence.

Anonymous ID: b3e394 May 30, 2020, 6:20 a.m. No.9376343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6430 >>6545

Credibility problems.

YOU have them.


Catholics have you noted how the enemies of the Church all

refuse to brag about the wholesale destruction of the religious orders since V2?


Why would they keep silent about that?

Why do they have no comment on John XXIII taking the name

of an anti-Pope?

Why the silence on the black-white smoke mixup and announcement a Pope had been chosen BEFORE John XXIII? Thats a fact. Unprecedented.

Why do they have nothing to say about the failure of V2 to condemn Jewish Bolshevism?

Why the silence on Jewish input into Nostra Aetate?



Anonymous ID: b3e394 May 30, 2020, 6:29 a.m. No.9376430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Jew hierarchy of hate in terms of ethnicity has the Germans as number one in their hate group entitled "Europeans are all Romans and Romans are all Edomites and they must all be destroyed."


From Armenia to Armagh.


The very worst thing is to be Catholic, and German. Poor Germans lol. They are the tip of the spear.


Bottom line is the Synagogue folds all Europeans into Rome, and considers all Christians part of Rome no matter the protesting. Worshiping no God or Odin will not save you.


Hitler was supposed to be a Catholic?


God man or bad man anon has no idea but his accusers arent worth shit, ANY OF THEM.