Anonymous ID: 5e16eb May 30, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.9376804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6908 >>6968 >>6979 >>7012 >>7134 >>7177 >>7352 >>7508

RE: Cops not doing anything in regards to rioters et, al


Critcally important article to read if you don't understand law enforcement's behavior towards blacks in democrat cities.


Crime is the new black entitlement.


As long as black people are permanent victims of relentless white racism, cops should not chase them, juries should not convict them, judges should not sentence them, schools should not punish them, and white victims should not complain about the black crime and violence so wildly out of proportion.


This is what a growing number of lawmakers, professors and, of course, reporters are prescribing as a way to “improve the way our system serves justice.”


The latest came on NPR a few days ago when Georgetown Law professor and former federal prosecutor Paul Butler broke it down for the racially unenlightened:


“If you go to criminal court in D.C., you would think that white people don’t commit crimes,” Butler said. “White people don’t use drugs, they don’t get into fights, they don’t steal, because all you see are African American people.”


Before you pack your child off to Georgetown Law school or if you usually do not believe something too ridiculous to be true you might want to hear the distinguished professor wax at length on this video: Racial Jury Nullification at Georgetown Law.


One group of “African American people” Butler will never see in a D.C. court are the black people who beat the white husband of an NPR executive into a bloody, broken mess on the D.C. Metro line. You can find the details here from my account at the American Thinker, but not from NPR, which never covered it. NPR Another Victim of Black Violence and Denial.


Neither will Butler find the black people who attacked the NPR producer from Kentucky, in D.C. on company business. You can find the details of that in the scintillating best seller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. But not on NPR.


And yes, professor, black criminality is just as wildly out of proportion in Washington as it is in the rest of country. Even more so.


Butler says there are two justice systems in America, one for white people and one for black. He proposes to correct this inequity with a system of racial jury nullification to promote the new entitlement of black criminality: “I encourage any juror who thinks the police or prosecutors have crossed the line in a particular case to refuse to convict.”

Anonymous ID: 5e16eb May 30, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.9376822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6832


i just posted this but I am going to post it here because it adds and explains what Tucker is going on about.


Critcally important article to read if you don't understand law enforcement's behavior towatds blacks in democrat cities.


Crime is the new black entitlement.


As long as black people are permanent victims of relentless white racism, cops should not chase them, juries should not convict them, judges should not sentence them, schools should not punish them, and white victims should not complain about the black crime and violence so wildly out of proportion.


This is what a growing number of lawmakers, professors and, of course, reporters are prescribing as a way to “improve the way our system serves justice.”


The latest came on NPR a few days ago when Georgetown Law professor and former federal prosecutor Paul Butler broke it down for the racially unenlightened:


“If you go to criminal court in D.C., you would think that white people don’t commit crimes,” Butler said. “White people don’t use drugs, they don’t get into fights, they don’t steal, because all you see are African American people.”


Before you pack your child off to Georgetown Law school or if you usually do not believe something too ridiculous to be true you might want to hear the distinguished professor wax at length on this video: Racial Jury Nullification at Georgetown Law.


One group of “African American people” Butler will never see in a D.C. court are the black people who beat the white husband of an NPR executive into a bloody, broken mess on the D.C. Metro line. You can find the details here from my account at the American Thinker, but not from NPR, which never covered it. NPR Another Victim of Black Violence and Denial.


Neither will Butler find the black people who attacked the NPR producer from Kentucky, in D.C. on company business. You can find the details of that in the scintillating best seller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. But not on NPR.


And yes, professor, black criminality is just as wildly out of proportion in Washington as it is in the rest of country. Even more so.


Butler says there are two justice systems in America, one for white people and one for black. He proposes to correct this inequity with a system of racial jury nullification to promote the new entitlement of black criminality: “I encourage any juror who thinks the police or prosecutors have crossed the line in a particular case to refuse to convict.”

Anonymous ID: 5e16eb May 30, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.9376870   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Critically important article to read if you don't understand law enforcement's behavior towards blacks in democrat cities.

Anonymous ID: 5e16eb May 30, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.9377322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Soy boy libtard, right there on camera. If they cant stand for the little things, they cave on teh big. Imagine these cowardly deviants during the 16 year plan.