Anonymous ID: 86d56b May 30, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.9378151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re the scum of the earth being allowed to run wild:


Yes, we can come with the power at any moment. And yet within the overall context of the position, this would cause more damage than good. We take the velvet glove approach unless/until we have no choice. Meanwhile, all of America & the world are being once again shown the demonic face of the enemy.


All assets deployed-yes. Corona. Forced large problems with the economy. LARP instigated rioting of the dregs, assisted & led by Soros funded Antifa scum. Fake MSM cranked up to 1000 DB with muh racism & muh TDS & all authority bad. Continued cowardly shootings. Combined with China/Soros, etc. doing all possible to assist these war moves.


Who are these people? Each and every one of them is a servant of the beast, a soldier in the sith hierarchy. Every action taken by them is a shadow/mirror of 4 space events. Their big boss & posse tried to storm heaven & overturn all limiting law. Here we see all bastions of decency, under all out assault by the sewer dwellers, attempting to storm & erase all boundaries. Their hearts burn with hatred & contempt for all who follow the law of man or God.


As satan was defeated, so will all these be vanquished. They are all identified, and will be brought before justice. They will prance and shriek and destroy, until they do not. Day of Days.