POTUS tweet referencing this Ulysses S. Grant article speaks to his presidency, but maybe also pointing the way toward General Flynn for future President, 2024?
"“The elites of his time, the most literate people, the editors of the largest and most influential magazines, the intelligentsia of his time, you can say, were against him,” Scaturro said.
But he had support of the people, easily winning two terms, first in 1868 and again in 1872.
Scaturro pointed out it has been a recurring pattern in the nation’s history for Americans to turn to top military leaders to secure the peace after a major war.
“It’s actually helped us to have professional soldiers in the White House, if we want to avoid war,” he said. “If we want to assert peace through strength, we’ve done best in that vein with professional soldiers in the White House.”
In the trailer to the upcoming mini-series, Chernow describes Grant’s rise to lead the Union War effort and later become president of the United States as the most improbable of “any figure in American history.”