Watched the Bakersfiels CA protest from yesterday.
Mostly peaceful outside the PD, few hundred and partial block of the main street, but cars let thru in one lane. PD barricaded the doors to the public desk lobby as a precaution; took a while to set up traffic cones around the protest block. Local nbc exaggerated the traffic incident else nothing to report (a few antifa-esque protesters were impeding the allowed lane, likely driver panic than aggression).
Some far left flags and posters but most people were speaking out on police accountability.
Kern County Transparency (KC w/ his helmet and 'Press' stab vest, kek) and Tulare County Copwatch provided stream coverage.
Cops mostly stayed around side and back of building, no masks. Gear for those near the crowds and the traffic incident. Cops picked up minor trash around the building toward end.
Opposed to the far-left messages but overall, Bakersfield presented a responible 1st Amendment protest.