When Trump gets this shit gets up to 88…you're going to see some serious SHIT!!!!
video is Trump talking to DAN!!!
When Trump gets this shit gets up to 88…you're going to see some serious SHIT!!!!
video is Trump talking to DAN!!!
Better Ideal
Put Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio as FBI Director, and watch him use his magic….done deal.
"Q" and Trump are way out in the deep blue ocean, still fishing…they say they are NOT coming in until they have caught "ALL THE FISH IN THE deep blue ocean". "BEFORE" they decide whether they are coming in……I'm somewhat OK with that….problem is…what are they going to run out of first…..GAS or BAIT.???…but honestly, I think they are going to need a BIGGER BOAT!!!
one way to skirt that order is for the Pastor to hold 6 or more until he/she has all the worshipers satisfied….nothing says they can't have more then one service…they can have them all day everyday if they want to…just can't have more then 25 at a time.
Make them Pastors EARN their offerings/paychecks/worship gifts.
That looks like it came from "India" maybe you should return it back to "India"….doesn't belong here.
srry about that part…it was a bad attempt at a joke on why pastors are complaining on why they can't have more people to their ONE service a day and only on Sunday….when I'm not a biblefag but I don't think it says in the bible that you can only serve the LORD on Sunday and only in the morning or night service….so if the Pastors hands are tied it's only because they are allowing them to be tied….if they want to serve the LORD..they can have service everyday, not 24/7 but maybe 12-18/7 and that would solve their SC problem.
anyone know where Pence and Nancy P. (vomit) will be when this is launched….just curious….
I think you're not suppose to have the POTUS and VP in the same area at the same time…but I'm probably wrong.
that may be true…but it still doesn't need to be here.