Anonymous ID: 71a0bb May 30, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9380702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0746

<barr transcript>

Already initial charges have been filed by the state

that process continues to move forwsard and justice will be served

unfortunately with the rioting that is occuring in many of our

cities around the country. the voices of peaceful protest are being

hijacked by violent radical elements. Groups of outside radicals and

agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own seperate and

violent agenda. in many places it appears the violence is planned,

organized, and driven by anarctic and left extremist groups -

far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics. Many of whom

travel from outside the state to promote the violence. We must have

law and order on our streets and in our communities and it is the

responsibility of the local and state leadership in the first instance

to halt this violence. the department of justice including the fbi,

U.S. Marshalls, The ATF, the DEA, and our 93 United States Attorneys'

office - U.S. attorneys' offices around the country - uh - are supporting

these local efforts will continue to support them and take all action

necessary to enforce federal law. in that regard, it is a federal crime

to cross state lines or to use interstate facilities to incite or

participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws.