Dig re: Nashville DEMS Mayor Cooper & brother Rep Jim Cooper – Following the Money
Nashville Mayor, John Cooper: member of the Democratic party
(pb) >>9386729, >>9386755 (pb)
Nashville Mayor, John Cooper: wife is a HuffPost contributor
Laura Fitzgerald Cooper lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband and three young sons. A graduate of the Yale Law School and Hollins College, she was a professor of public constitutional law at Washington and Lee University
Mayor's Brother: U.S. Representative Jim Cooper, who represents Tennessee's 5th congressional district, which is based in Nashville
Rep. Jim Cooper - Tennessee District 05
Armed Services Oversight and Government Reform
Rep. Jim Cooper: top contributor → L3Harris Technologies
Board of Directors of L3Harris includes:
Bailey: appears to be a man in women's attire
Dattilo: appears to have MKUltra Eye
Kramer: appears to have MKUltra Eye
Chiarelli: retired United States Army general who served as the 32nd Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army from August 4, 2008 to January 31, 2012
CEO of One Mind*
One Mind logo: Circle with TRIangle in center (symbolism)
One Mind: Board of Directors includes son of Ted Kennedy
Patrick J. Kennedy: Former U.S. Representative (D – RI) and Founder of the Kennedy Forum
L3Harris President:
Christopher E. "Chris" Kubasik
Vice Chairman, President and Chief Operating Officer
Lockheed CEO-Elect Kubasik Fired Over Improper Relationship With Female Subordinate
More digz coming re: L3Harris Board and Following the Cooper Money