they are setting the buildings on fire in DC
I'm speaking truth, this aint reflecting well on the President. He's safe with MP's guarding him and average Americans are being beaten and their businesses torched.
not if he doesnt do something quick.
sauce he's dead?
not what I meant
if he doesnt do something tonight and continues to allow innocents to be beaten or killed, the American ppl will begin to turn against him. Doesnt matter if he says it's the governor's jobs, the buck ultimately stops with him. By not responding to it, it only encourages them to hurt people more.
not fedex fault at all; they will still get sued. Mark it.
They will be sued. His mama and daddy gonna sue them. Doesnt mean they will be successful, but they will sue. The fedex driver should have stayed still and let them loot the thing, they will say. Just watch.
no, you degenerate homo raghead. Never voted for you and gave thanks to God when you keft office.