>good to see you in kitchen
good evening
oh yea..fucking LA off it now.
Even idiots down the street from me on the corner with the BLM signs (and all white) had frens over-one is black-and they were just beside themselves with laughter
had to go out and laugh at them
Downtown Oakland'
N220PD MD-500E Oakland Police Dept
N137HP Gipps Aero GA8-TC320 California Highway Patrol
Plus a tv helo
the problem is that anything you say against all this is seen as against BLM.-I mean how could you be against black lives right?
rampant stupidity
talking to them is catch-22 here
until there is some overt event that shakes them and crushes that stupid narrative-it stays the same. rb knows as it's the same in the bay area
Of course when the housekeepers and gardeners don't show up it will be anarchy..for them