Be better off in the long run replacing the old constitution with one that governs the politicians more harshly.
Makes them think twice about weather or not they really have the best interest for the people or not before they get into politics.
Be better off in the long run replacing the old constitution with one that governs the politicians more harshly.
Makes them think twice about weather or not they really have the best interest for the people or not before they get into politics.
Hummmm….where was it they use kids like that to blow up others?
Thauce…you know that, shit ANY good anon knows that.
This is funny, an Apple store?
Do they not know that ALL apple devices are traceable? KEK!
Sir, I think you understand what I'm talking about.
No changes to the Bill of Rights, just changes to the setup of the government itself.
Before anybody can become a politician they need to pass a litmus test.
One that really makes a person wonder if it would be worth the risk of getting caught in illegal actions by forfeiting that life as punishment right off the bat, no 2nd tries or bullshit.
That would have to make a person think twice about even getting into politics if they have any shady attitudes toward power or riches.
That would be a hell of a great start to be sure.
>Trump is controlled opposition. Zero deep state arrests?
Well, you know what?
If this IS the case, your shitty types have pissed off We the People and we about to come out the woodwork all around your lil asses and fuck you so hard, even your women will switch sides.
>Anons, Trump is playing us all for fools.
Tell m, is your girl blond, brunet, or ginger?
We the People about to come out of the woodwork and fuck YOU so hard she'll be jealous and dump your ass.
You want us to believe all the shit you wrote, but at the same time criticize what is there for you to have?
Call the ball….simplisticly is nothing more than telling someone to start the op, or stand down.
Fuck! Use common sense!
Your outting yourselves as libtards just by not knowing that this phrase has been adapted to MANY different situations!
For Fuck Sake!