Anonymous ID: 63a485 May 30, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.9390004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0070 >>0081

Once Governors "Call the Ball" they will have lost all legal authority for law enforcement should martial law take place. The Feds will have control over all operations dealing with this including arrest investigations etc. Am I wrong? Chime in

Anonymous ID: 63a485 May 30, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.9390192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Title 10 vs Title 32


NG Troops


When mobilized (or activated) under Title 10 U.S.C., you are directed by the president to report for active duty in an official capacity. You are being activated for federal active-duty military service. When in federal service, Guard personnel typically participate in military operations and are entitled to the same pay, benefits and legal protections as active military members.


Activation under Title 32 U.S.C. means that your state's governor has been authorized or directed by the president to mobilize or activate the National Guard in your state. You perform on active duty under state control, but with pay and benefits provided by the federal government. As long as your Title 32 orders are for more than 30, you are still entitled to the same federal benefits as someone activated under Title 10 orders.

Anonymous ID: 63a485 May 30, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.9390356   🗄️.is 🔗kun



All of this would not have doable without county authorities looking the other way. Most main streets and by ways are a cash cow for illegal parking and loading zone violations etc. Try dropping down a half ton of bricks in any city on the corner 2 weeks ago and you can imagine what would have happened to you. Every law/code enforcement bureaucrat would have been in line to write you a ticket and ask a million questions . Lets not forget about all the traffic cams that now rule over every intersection and street corner. STINKS