If they obsess on the . . . .
filter and eschew.
If they obsess on the . . . .
filter and eschew.
listen: you need to weigh the person.
I think a lot of these young people get carried into a group through flatery and free either drugs, sex, booze, or money.
and then they think that they 'belong' and they do what their handlers tell them.
they want to bleive it's a real social movement.
They don't go to church, that is probably true. But they probably used to . . . but they were groomed to hate their cultural traditions by operation efforts of cretins and reptiles to make these groomed youngsters into controlled people.
and then the unscrupulous junior members of the cabal bring these naives to the rally and . . . send them off with the crowd (and slink away at the same time, this is a long time pattern)
if it's one of those naives, they might think 'oh, ya, I remember prayer'.
A word of advise to anyone: if they want you to go to a poltical rally or they won't be your friend, it doesn't matter what they are not now, and will not be in the future, baring a conversion by them.
If you want to join the crowd and be wiht your friends outside, participate in sports, join a choir, go to church, go to a bar or club. DO NOT join the marxist flaterers even for a come-hither moment: they want to eat you and your vote but will not provide what they say that they want the world to share with everyone.
you are just a sheep to them and they are not shepards of high moral quality.
what hebrew would use that kind of phrase when discussing themselves?
what else did I come up with . . . to say to you . . .
but you know I'm not suppose to converse wtih you .
ah now I remember
I won't make it snark because that's gone but here is the basic outline.
you claim to hate . . . .
and then you make all this vile and slanderous crap and post it every bread (because even thogh there are real issue, the stuff you post is slanderous incitement and bogus stale fake propaganda)
you make everyone see this.
makeing eveyrone see it is hateful to eeryone.
you don't just hate . . . .(fill in whatever group you direct hate towards)
you hate everyone.
and that's snark, so sorry I said it wouldn't be.
you not just an anti . . .
your a malanthropist.
listen, every friggin bread with it.
that's hateful
you are doing it every bread.
that's obsessed.
just admit you hate them to yourself.
then move on but get help and understand that you aren't helping anyone but hurting, especially yourself
and that really is malanthropy.
if you need to filter.
come on,
"you don't just hate them,
you hate everybody"
isn't worth hearing?
if you need to filter I'll be crushed and destroyed that you . . . don't care enough to listen . . .
OK that is me feigning a drama larp.
In fact, thank you for reminding me.
there is very serious business going on and operators in the field and I should focus on that.
big beautiful man and one guy pops into my head immediately . . .
no, filters are like a volume knob on the posts of a paricular type. It's a way of 'mixing' content.
it's crude, it's either on/off
so I also use adblock to filter operational images, like porn-gawd-mocker, or most of the meme-nose images.
if it were my design the filtered users would still show up, the fonts would be too small to read anymore, and the images all blacked out.
but as far as filtering? it is necessary for any content.
do you read the text of the file? or do you pass it through the filter of HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol).
of course you use the hypertext.
the apache deaemon filters the hypertext and serves it around the world. The broswer interprets it. it filters out the markup and lays out the content.
so you're ideas that 'filtering' is bad.
everyone has to do it constantly for all things or we live in a garbled world of too much information.
shills know this so they do what is known as preventing access to news and content of others through informational overload of crap or shill content.
the muh-hate shills with meme-nose are crap shill content, no matter what the message.
there are only a few memenose memes that are funny or cleaver, and it's not because it meme-nose, but because the ideawould be funny even if it had a different glyph as the villian (the one where meme nose is peaking up through the key on the type writer, I admit that's a useful meme, but tainted by the presence of meme nose.
so I disagree about filters. THey are infact necessary. And the proper use of them is what perpels people in this world.
there was a case , very famous, that had a scout master who was being broken into. He knew what window it was so instead of securing the window he set up a cross bow . . .
one of the scouts to whom he was a mentor is said, in this what we have to call 'legend' was thus killed climbing through that window by a tripping of a string and the bow shot and pierce the boy.
he died and the scout master was accused of murder because : it was unreasonable to set up a cross bow to kill someone climbing through a non secured window.
if you produce content copiously please share some.
your grammar twit bit is not friendly.
ukrainiranian cowbird looking fuckhead
was the landing real?
I watched a small video of it and it looked like someone made a composite video.
like the old moon landing 'simulated' videos.
why do you show this cute tired blond guy so much?
most of them never will even be charged with anything.
many of them, later in life, will regret their sinful days as a shill, being brutal and mean without cause for compensation, and will discover . . . the better way.
and convert and find God and go to heaven and live happily every after, but not after some time of soul searching and repentance and acceptance and love for the ones who they used to torment.
now I just made that up but I like it better than your version. You can use my version next time, if you want to, when you need to chime in about this again, when your feeling contributory, to give content the free flow to make other people say 'oh, ya, be nice to people.'
what would it make sense to be, that makes me look intelligent enough to say 'yes, that is it.'
i give 'first draft before the coffee kicks in ' content,
that purples me into my morning
and the color propels me towards my propellor collection.
so just use the word that makes it seem that I'm a good person who loves people and doesn't want harm to come to anyone, and does good things to spread awareness.
then move on because the content isn't like needing sauce.
it's just prebrunch musings, before the coffee kicks in. that magic time when you are free with the fond thought of others being happy, growing, and loving, but before the realization 'most of these people really don't care' arrises with the coffee actually working.
so propel yourself forward and contribute something.
do people see where this kind of thing leads:
"I see you have a slight typo, and I am going to badger you about what you 'really mean'.
and if you don't say what I want to make yourself look foolish, I will interpret in such a fowl way that it will start
the next wave of rioting and bring the ruin . . . "
Pepe brunch is not impressed with this kind of thing.
why have I never seen a pepe space-thistle?
spaceforce thistle?