Antifa will reorganize under smaller umbrella groups just like King Nig's ACORN did.
Did that shop owner who was defending his store die? Can some Dallas anon confirm? Last we heard he was in critical condition.
If they enforce it. And that's a big "if" for Barr's DOJ.
Correct. Hope he's alive and will recover.
What does ACAB stand for?
Thanks. Not surprised it's something stupid.
Correct. But we are to be strung along on false hope through Nov 3rd first.
The military had to be stacked with DS traitors same as every other position of power. I really don't expect them to be on our side when the time comes. Hopefully enough will choose to stand with us.
Our side 40, his side 5.
Please note that we have laws that would have resulted in death sentences for countless traitors. So don't get too excited. Maybe a couple token arrests and then probably back to a free for all, especially if they break up into smaller groups under different names, which they are probably already doing.
>let's say 45 million are Q anons.
If that were true we'd have taken our nation back by now. Also the breads would be filled before we could even click on the link we want to respond to.
If Americans refuse gun control, it could happen no matter who's in the WH because that shit is coming after the next election regardless of who wins.