Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9395884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5903 >>5906 >>5912

Comey Takes Veiled Swipe at Trump Over Riots, Does Not Condemn Violent Protesters


Fired FBI Director James Comey commented on Twitter for the first time in three weeks, taking a veiled swipe at President Trump in a comment on the George Floyd protests and riots. Comey urged Americans to vote in November for leaders who “know we only make progress together.” The nation’s former top lawman and federal prosecutor did not condemn the violent protesters waging war on police and looting and burning cities across the country.


“Please vote in five months. It won’t erase our problems or remove our pain, but we deserve leaders who understand America and know we only make progress together.”


The phrase “progress together” wouldn’t have been controversial a decade ago, but with the radical left now cloaking their anti-Americanism in the word “progressive” to describe their movement, it is worth remembering that Comey once described himself as a communist when he was in his twenties searching for a political belief.


Via the New Yorker:


“In October, 2003, Comey was asked, at his confirmation hearing to become the Deputy Attorney General, how he might handle a politically charged case implicating an Attorney General who refused to recuse himself. “I don’t care about politics,” he insisted. “I care about doing the right thing.” In a profile published that December in New York, Comey further smudged the lines of his political identity. He said that in his twenties he had been both a Communist and a Reaganite. “I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically,” he went on. “Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9395920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Designates Antifa "A Terrorist Organization"


In what should not come as a surprise to many (especially those with open minds and open eyes), President Trump has tweeted that he is designating Antifa a terrorist organization.


This decision comes almost a year after he first tweeted that he was considering labeling the militant, black-clad, mask-wearing 'anti-fascist' group as a terrorist organization.



"Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others)," tweeted Trump, adding "Would make it easier for police to do their job!"

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9395942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter turns its logo BLACK amid George Floyd riots & adds hashtag #BlackLivesMatter to profile


With rioting in full swing across America, social media giant Twitter has made its offering to the gods of corporate wokeness, blacking out its distinctive logo and replacing its bio with the hashtag “#BlackLivesMatter.”


The Silicon Valley firm made the changes to its profile on Sunday, after five consecutive nights of protests and rioting in major cities around the US. The company didn’t immediately explain its redesign, but has already tweeted about the “long-standing racism and injustices faced by Black and Brown people on a daily basis.”

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9395972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6132 >>6340

Minnesota Governor’s Daughter Hope Walz Was Tweeting Out Intel to Violent Looters and Rioters Just Like Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra Hirsi


We knew from recent rallies and riots that it’s highly likely the groups behind today’s riots are Domestic terrorists, revolutionary communists, US based radical Islamist organizations and others related to the Democrat Party. Today we have more proof this is the case.


We reported a few days ago that Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s daughter tweeted out support for the protestors:


Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi, retweeted a list of supplies for “comrades” who are rioting in Minneapolis.


Isra Hirsi is the co-founder of US Youth Climate Strike and her Twitter bio says she ‘hates capitalism.’


Isra Hirsi retweeted a post from Twin Cities DSA (Democratic Socialists of America): Want to help out your comrades protesting at the 3rd precinct (at Lake and Minnehaha?)


Here’s a good list of much needed supplies (except for milk! Water is always better for eyewashing than milk!! Please don’t bring milk!)


When the 17-year-old radical leftist got called out by reporter Andy Ngo, she responded with a snarky comment.


But there is more to this story. Similar tweets supporting the rioters were being tweeted by Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz’s daughter – Hope Walz. She later deleted her account.

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9396010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6156

NY Leftist Samantha Shader Admits to Hurling Molotov Cocktail Through Police Van with Four Officers Inside – May Face Attempted Murder Charges


Leftist Samantha Shader and her sister Darian Shader were arrested on Friday night after hurling a molotov cocktail through a NYPD window with four police officers inside.


Her sister Darian was then arrested for attempting to prevent Samantha’s arrest.


Their parents must be so proud.


Jonathan Turley says Samantha Turley could face attempted murder charges.


Two sisters have been arrested after a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a NYPD van with four officers inside. Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, NY, is charged with throwing the incendiary device, which did not explode. Her sister, Darian, 21, (left) then allegedly tried to stop the arrest of Samantha Shader. The police have hit Samantha Shader with a slew of major charges including attempted murder of a police officer, attempted arson, assault on a cop, criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment. Her sister faces charges of resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration. (The Daily Mail has released these pictures from social media allegedly showing the two sisters).

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9396051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6132 >>6340

"Mysterious" Wrecked Tesla Found At Bottom Of California Cliff, Driver's Body Found At Scene


A Tesla was discovered early last week, mysteriously wrecked at the bottom of a cliff in Santa Clara County, its driver found dead. According to the California Highway Patrol, the Tesla "went over" the cliff, and the driver, 60-year-old Pleasanton resident James Yacorzynski, was found dead at the scene.


The car was found off of Mines Road near Turner Gulch Road, northeast of Mount Hamilton. Mines Road is described as "a windy, mountainous road that runs along the eastern Diablo Range and connects Santa Clara County with Livermore in the East Bay."


California Highway Patrol officer Ross Lee commented that authorities were unsure how long the Tesla had been sitting at the bottom of the cliff.



"It might have been a day," he told NBC Bay Area. The Highway Patrol continues to try and "unravel the mystery" of what caused the accident and when it took place, according to CBS.


"For some reason, the man’s Tesla careened off the cliff, but all else remains a mystery," CBS reported. While there is still no known cause for the accident, we will keep an eye on the story as it develops. There has been no confirmation as to whether or not Autopilot was involved in the accident.


However, of interest may be this Quora thread, which asks the question: "Does Tesla’s autopilot work on winding mountain roads?" One Tesla owner responded:


"It depends on the curvature of the road (presuming you meant “winding”). Over time, I’ve observed AutoPilot safely handling tighter and tighter curves at appropriate speeds. Currently, my Tesla can handle the relatively tight curve of a round-about with aplomb. Recently, it finally navigated a series of right-angle turns in an access road — albeit wobbly and just barely avoiding crossing either line."


"Any time you’re off a well-marked motorway/freeway, you’re in an area which the current generation of Autopilot does less well," a second Tesla owner says.


Recall, earlier this year the NTSB revealed that Autopilot had played a role in a fatal 2019 Model 3 accident in Delray Beach, Florida. The driver had set the car to go 69 miles per hour 12.3 seconds before the crash took place on a highway that had a speed limit of 55 mph, according to Bloomberg. The NTSB also revealed that the driver's hands were not on the wheel for the final 7.7 seconds before the crash.


The NTSB had also arrived at similar findings regarding a 2016 Florida crash where another Tesla driver didn't react to a truck in the roadway. In that instance, the NTSB found that Tesla's Autopilot design contributed to the cause of the accident.

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9396086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6340

“Get The Facts”: How Twitter Is Making The Case Against Itself and Free Speech


Free speech, our defining right in the United States, seems to be dangling on social media. Twitter added warnings on tweets from President Trump, marking a major escalation of speech controls on the internet, something that has been demanded by Democrats. While the company clarified that Trump did not violate the rules, it still intervened between him and all his followers to add its own view of the truth on a political controversy.


The action against Trump on his mail voting tweets is the realization of the fear of free speech advocates. People sign up for updates from Trump, not Twitter, but the company decided to force his 80 million followers to view its own position on this issue. Imagine if a telephone company listened for errant political statements on calls to flag its business concerns.


Unfortunately, Trump added his own threat to free speech by pledging to “shut down” Twitter and others if they do not change their positions. It is akin to denouncing people without fire detectors by threatening to burn down their homes. His new executive order would seek to eliminate key liability protections for social media companies while calling for federal investigations into political bias. But without legislative support, such a crackdown on these companies is highly unlikely to succeed. However, Congress has been angling to curb online free speech for years.


Curtailing free speech has now become an article of faith in many circles. News host Don Lemon told Twitter chief executive officer Jack Dorsey to “stop hiding behind the First Amendment” and censor Trump. Democrats such as Representative Adam Schiff sent letters to social media platforms to demand greater regulation and removal of certain statements that are seen as misleading, which many of us warned is a potential abuse of free speech. Former Vice President Joe Biden added his voice to the call this week for Twitter to remove any statements deemed to be false.


The choice to target a political statement on Twitter was no accident. This is precisely the type of statement that Democrats have been searching for years with threats of a federal takeover. During one hearing, Senator Mark Warner boomed that “the era of the Wild West in social media is coming to an end.” That intolerable Wild West is the existence of an area of relatively unregulated free speech. Indeed, like those pioneers of democracy, many people have gone on social media to speak their minds openly.


That frontier of free speech may now be vanishing. On the mail voting tweets, Twitter dispensed with any discernible standard to intervene in political exchanges. Speech regulation will evidently go back in time to retroactively mark unreliable views. The website archive service called Wayback Machine claims it will label articles as “disinformation” when faced with views it deems false or misleading. Now there will be both censorship and retroactive action taken against past thoughts.


The mail voting tweets from Trump are based on a widespread view of the dangers of using such a system on a large scale basis in an election. This concern was certainly raised when multiple ballots for a primary race next week were mailed mistakenly to several voters across Pittsburgh and Allegheny County in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. Officials have said barcoding will prevent anyone from voting more than once.

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9396165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6180 >>6340

Antifa, Black Lives Matter Spread George Floyd Unrest to London


The George Floyd unrest spreading across the United States has crossed the Atlantic to Great Britain, with thousands of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other activists taking to the streets of London with little apparent regard for the coronavirus regulations.


Breitbart reporter and videographer Kurt Zindulka recorded activists at a variety of locations in Britain’s multicultural capital — led by Labour politician and prominent Trump critic Sadiq Khan — including the U.S. embassy, the gates protecting the Prime Minister’s official residence at 10 Downing Street, and Trafalgar Square.


The demonstrators are, ostensibly, protesting the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after being pinned down a white police officer, who has since been charged with third-degree murder and negligent manslaughter, in the U.S. city of Minneapolis, Minnesota — although some believe Mr Floyd’s death is increasingly being used as cover for riots, looting, and the advancement of various political agendas.


Protesters crowded into Trafalgar Square, home to the iconic column commemorating Admiral Horatio Nelson, carried placards bearing menacing slogans such as ‘SILENCE = VIOLENCE’ and ‘THE UK IS NOT INNOCENT!’ alongside the more innocuous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’, and chanted “Stop killing us! George Floyd!”


Quite how the protesters believe the British state culpable in a suspected unlawful killing in Minnesota is not immediately clear.


Crowds, not socially distancing and largely not wearing masks, were also filmed at the gates to Downing Street on Whitehall, confronting a rather thin line of uniformed police constables and chanting “Fuck Boris!” — whose connection to George Floyd’s death also seems difficult to establish.


“Why’s there no black man among you?” demanded one man of the officers as they attempted to placate the crowd. “Where’s Boris? It’s not just about George Floyd!” he added.


Other footage from Downing Street shared on social media, possibly shot at a later point in the protest, shows the police having retreated behind the gates, and the crowd outside waving an Antifa banner and chanting “Fuck the police!”

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.9396203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6340

Biden Staffers, Celebrities Scramble To Funnel Bail Money To Rioters


Celebrities and Biden campaign staffers rallied to support the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a group that has been funneling money into bail payments for arrested protesters.


Over a dozen of former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign staffers announced their support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, according to a report from Reuters.


They were joined by a number of celebrities, from Chrissy Teigen and Justin Timberlake to Steve Carell and Emily Ratajkowski.


The Minnesota Freedom Fund, which had pledged to support bail payments for those protesting the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, announced Saturday that they had received tens of thousands of small donations totaling over $20 million.


President Donald Trump’s campaign responded, accusing Biden staffers of “CONDONING & FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING mayhem that’s destroying businesses & ruining people’s life work.”


Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told Reuters that the former vice president viewed the cash bail system as a “modern-day debtor’s prison” but made no comment with regard to whether or not the campaign had coordinated the donations to bail out rioters.

Anonymous ID: bae0d2 May 31, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9396241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6280 >>6340

Rioters Set Fire to Nashville City Hall Amid George Floyd Protest


Rioters have set fire to Nashville City Hall on Saturday as protests continue to rage in the city’s downtown area over the death of George Floyd, seen in video shared by a local reporter.


The Tennessean reports the first floor of the City Hall, built in the mid-1930s, was engulfed by flames at around 8:15 p.m. local time.


“MNPD has deployed gas at the Historic Courthouse to protect the building after protestors set it on fire. NFD being escorted to building by officers,” the Metro Nashville Police Department said in a statement.


Earlier Saturday, Mayor John Cooper issued an executive order declaring a state of civil emergency and a curfew for 10 p.m.


At Cooper’s request, Gov. Bill Lee authorized “the National Guard to mobilize in response to protests that have now taken a violent, unlawful turn in Nashville.”


“The threat to both peace and property is unacceptable and we will work with local law enforcement and community leaders to restore safety and order. This is not a reflection of our state or the fundamental American right to peaceful protest,” Lee said.


WSMV reports:


On Saturday evening, demonstrators marched through downtown Nashville to a Metro Police Department. News 4 saw damage to police cruisers, graffiti to buildings in the area and at least one person was mased.


News 4 has located buildings damaged on Third Avenue and on Broadway. There is damage to the courthouse in Nashville and protesters were seen throwing police bicycles.


WeGo bus service temporarily suspended service on Saturday night “to protect the safety of riders and drivers” as protests continue in downtown Nashville. WeGo said it will let customers “know when regular operations resume.”


The city’s protests began at 3:00 p.m. near Legislative Plaza, where demonstrators kick off the event with chants of “No Justice, No Peace.”