Anonymous ID: 4d3945 May 31, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9396734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6829 >>6841 >>7040 >>7066

Indianapolis Anon reporting in. So here's what I saw happen last night.


People were gathered and peaceful. We were spread out all over downtown. I was keeping an eye on the Antifa goons, and at this point they were easy to pick out since everyone was spread out. At some point some cops started popping off teargas by the City County Building. They popped off enough teargas that even on Monument Circle where I was (roughly two blocks away), breathing became an issue. I went upwind towards the City County Building to get out of the cloud and see what was going on. A group of us were across the street from a group of cops when without provocation they started gassing us. I got shot in the leg with a rubber bullet, but stood my ground. I gave the cops a speech about protecting corrupt politicians and betraying the trust of the public via their blind enforcement of amoral laws, typical Anonymous stuff.


I cannot stress this enough, we protestors were peaceful. There was a group of cops indiscriminately popping off teargas; they were definitely looking to agitate the protestors. If I had to guess, I would say they were Freemasons. The rest of the cops were not using teargas or force even when we were less than 6 feet (kek) from each other.


Once this group of cops had herded the protestors (remember we had been loosely spread out to this point) into a smaller area, that’s when Antifa seized on the chaos. With the anonymity of the crowd they started breaking windows. Bad apples amongst the protestors followed suit. At that point all hell broke loose. The Freemason(?) group of cops kept chasing us down the street. Some Antifa pulled some dumpsters out of an alley, filled them with rags, poured lighter fluid on them and set them on fire. They came prepared for causing maximum chaos. I’m glad Bill Barr and POTUS declared them a terrorist organization today. If any NSA whitehats are reading this, I wasn’t able to press record on my phone while Antifa was setting fire to stuff since I was recovering from teargas, but I had the phone pointed in that direction and you might be able to pull the video anyway.


Not all was bad however, I was able to get close enough to many police officers to give them the standard Anonymous speel. You could see it in their eyes that they knew they were protected a completely broken system. Another positive is that I was wearing my Q shirt and I had a few people recognize it from what would be considered an “urban” demographic so the message is getting out there, even against the current of MSM “Orange man bad” propaganda. The plan is working, even if sometimes it’s painful.


Keep fighting Anons!