Swamp cannot be drained by those feeding off it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump is not an asshole
He is a Hemorrhoid.
he irritates assholes.
Hell is 666
Our physical reality resonates 666
We are the ones left to be saved. The only way to save this world is to not let people be saved.
Trust me
Think of it as purgatory if you like. We are the leftovers and holdouts that have denied the divine.
Think of what the divine is.
Think of our world.
Our choice.
Purgatory. at best.
who says I have to stay as low as 40,000?
Those that feed from the swamp will never drain it.
You have many that have come back to help us learn - but they have to take the limitations as well and have to remember to teach and show others. And the swamp is made to make everyone forget.
We are so lost we feel and accept that some are better than others and that some very sick stuff is normal - that is a Swamp.
The swamp will always spin the evil. The stupid will buy it. Past - Holder to HRC etc. Until we become SK we will repeat.
You have the choice
They have the choice
The war is who wins.
personally I don't give a damn other than a few i love that are stuck in your swamp.
Drama is fun - It is enjoyable to have lots of drama - Trap.
YOU get to choose to carry water and chop wood in drama or chop wood and carry water with serenity.
Your choice.
As the world turns