No, whoever is the subject of the
No, whoever is the subject of the clause. The whom form is for a direct object.
If I said we are against WHOMEVER (direct object) that would be a correct for whomever.
We are against EVIL (direct object).
But thanks.
Shills hate this meme series.
Almost guaranteed these memes will be attacked.
That's right, you can't attack the idea so you go with the nasty ad hominem attack against the person. Shows weakness and a failed argument on your part.
No, that's a reactive strategy.
We need to maintain a proactive strategy at all times. WE ARE THE NEWS and that means WE decide what's newsworthy and WE keep putting it in front of the people in order to embarrass and discredit the MSM.
Defense is also mandatory but it cannot be the sole focus.
Any time we go into defensive mode, we have allowed someone else to call the shots and decide what our focus should be.
'extremist' as in 'extremely patriotic'