>>9402093 pb
I don't know. Q has been saying all along that we're watching a movie. I don't know what that means.
Some assume that Q actually have power. Others really have no clue what Q is.
But Q hasn't asked us to do anything. And Trump is the President.
Are we supposed to protest against Trump the President, who we like? Because Trump will only take actions because protesters are telling him to? That doesn't seem right at all.
It wouldn't be hard for me to type out 100 different scenarios about what people could be doing, but it's not clear at all that whatever scenarios I could come up with would be ones that Trump would like.
Here's something kinda, somewhat weird, Trump has been taking actions pretty quickly after I post on Facebook. I was talking about HCQ here (many were, back in March) and I posted on Facebook. And less than 2 days later, Trump is talking about it. I posted that Antifa were Terrorists about 15 hours ago and that Soros was a Terrorist on my Facebook and I wake up and Trump has made the call. I have no idea why there seems to me to be that correlation, but I've found it noteable to me at least.
So, when the question about what "we" should do - I dunno. But what I should do might be different. Maybe I need to type more on Facebook and less on here? I did type #doitq on Facebook. I haven't been doing that on Facebook, I generally - if not 100% - have been keeping Q and Facebook separate, but when we're on the right side of 70/30, and Facebook is likely looking real hard at keeping or regaining their status as a Platform, you're less likely to get banned for politics over there.
Q has been telling us to "Watch The Show" so it really isn't clear that we - all of us - should really be participating in this shitshow.
The argument could be made that now is a great time to go in there and do some damage, if the National Guard is active and is elsewhere, and the Police resources are stretched thin, the argument could be made.
But, hate to say this, there is very little evidence that we, collectively, are really very good at doing stuff. Q dropped that piece of software that allowed people to get a look inside of software to see what it was doing. I sized that up as something that no one here, of the I don't know how many people who are here, were going to be able to do anything at all with. The majority seemed to think that the purpose of the software was to find coded messages in Q pictures, despite the fact that Q explicitly said it was being sent to find fuckery in software designed for contact tracing and other medical vaccine things. So, basically, I don't have a ton of confidence that we, collectively, are a potent, competent, group of doers of things.
I was over at ronpaulforums in 2007-8. Over there, it was all about doing things, and sometimes some of the things that were done were stupid (blimp) but other things, like Tea Party, were pretty on the money. The Wall Street Journal ad that people chipped in to raise money for, and the group itself created, that was pretty solid. The grassroots was making more money and doing more things than the official campaign. By and large, go getters.
We, here, are basically anonymous on an invisible containment board. Those are not the conditions for productive activity. The only real upside is that we can - RIGHTLY - bash Jews openly. And we've never been called out for the Jew bashing. We've been called racist, anti black, etc, despite the fact that we, collectively, really aren't. but the very very clear anti Jew sentiments expressed here have not been mentioned. Why is that? the MSM does not want people to know that there are huge anonymous websites where the vast majority completely understands that the Jews are the #1 problem group, and that there might not really be any other problem groups at all. Blacks are being told to stay away because we don't like blacks - that's a lie. They aren't telling Jews to stay away because we don't like Jews, despite the fact that it's true, because groups like the blacks might like it here, watching conservatives bash Jews hard and not really criticizing blacks all that much. Pretty much anybody that isn't a Jew or a baby eating witch or the other freakshow groups could find it pretty comfy here. I don't know a whole bunch of blacks in real life, but the ones that I do know are not the types of people who would say "yeah, we've had it bad, but, I'd like to give up my place in line because Karen the Lesbian Witch really has had it bad, historically. I know that the Civil Rights Act was passed because blacks have been fucked over hard by America forever, but, really, it might be best if lunatics got the jobs the black males should've gotten, and the black males got to go to prisons - which is exactly what happened after 1964."