Anonymous ID: 3e5068 May 31, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.9403400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You are watching a movie.


Riots in a gorillion cities. Notice how that number is being pushed. Democratic controlled for years? Who established and controls the police in those places….for years?


War zone and destruction. Really?


I haven’t seen it, not even on live stream. Stalingrad was a war zone. 911 was a war zone. Some businesses burned and looted. I’ll be willing to bet insurance covers it all, down to the last penny and most likely higher, just like Flounder’s brother’s car in the movie Animal House.


Those businesses, which were doing for shit anyway because of MANDATORY “Muh Corona” lock down, are covered and laughing all the way to the bank. Loss of income coverage too. If (YOU) owned a business wouldn’t (YOU) have coverage? By law or contract they have to.



Cop cars being burned. How many in total, really? 15-20? Were they the old models? Were they abandoned to be used as props? Watching a fire makes for good TV. Democratic based organizations offer bail for rioters? Really?


Pallets of bricks mysteriously show up in protest areas? Antifa proven to be there? OH NO! A bottle was thrown! Look a temporary fence was torn down! Graffiti! Anything but graffiti! More fire, including a spray can and a lighter. So scary. Broken window? Glass man busy fixing it is as awful as that gets.


Confronting a line of police and screaming, with a mask on. Freaking terrifying isn’t it. One death, two? Seen the number of deaths in Chi-Town Memorial Day weekend? Black on Black? Black lives matter only in fulfilling a Democratic agenda that has nothing to do with black, white, yellow, ect. It’s a lie. Democrats create an issue (FAKE) to promise to solve the issue (REOCCURING ISSUE NEVER SOLVED). How many have they solved in all their years of power? NONE.


Bottom line is damage is below minimal. Shock value for normies is being staged by the media. For this Anon, no shock value. There was more shock value in tornados destroying Joplin, MO. That was real by the way, natural, not created by the death of a man whose assailant, hired by Democrats, run by Democrats has already been charged with murder.


It’s staged, just noise. This is all staged and not as awful as being portrayed. States run their own. The Feds step up when the States fail. The Democratic States are failing, failing by planned design. The narrative is to blame POTUS then demand another bail out. This is a Deep State Op, Soros backed.


Those Democratic States haven’t taken care of, or protected the people for years. Instead, the Democratic Governors order corona patients to be placed in nursing homes where the most vulnerable reside. That’s not protection, it’s insidious.


Those nursing home corona numbers were coming out at the riot start. Get it? DECLAS Flynn. Get it again? Election this year and the Democrats have losing ticket mumbling Joe Biden? This is distraction, plain and simple.


Boomerang. America is being red pilled more than ever because Americans hate this lawlessness and are learning the Democrats are running those shows. Even Nixon won 1968 election on a Law and Order Platform given the disgust of Americans watching the 1968 riots. Mail in vote anyone?