Re: Oklahoma earthquake today (HUGE NATIONAL RISK)
Previous bread>>940129
Earthquakes are common in oil country and there have been a few big enough to feel a jolt but they are relatively uncommon. The largest in Oklahoma was a 5.8 near Pawnee.
Here's the scary thing with all these quakes.
Today's earthquake swarm is only 35 miles (straight line) from Cushing, Oklahoma. Cushing has the largest oil storage farm IN THE WORLD. (It was hit by a 5.3 earthquake in 2016.) We talk about EMPs. If a major earthquake should strike Cushing and rupture these tanks, it would bring our nation to knees in an instant from an energy standpoint.
"How Man-made Earthquakes Could Cripple the U.S. Economy"
To this article, I say "define manmade". Yes fracking. But could something more sinister be going on here?