>"Invisible planes" means planes spraying the GeoEngineering materials into the atmosphere, that everyone seems to be to stupid to see..
>GeoEngineering is key. It is happening NOW will eventually destroy most life on Earth.
All NOAA employees are under gag order to stop leaking the GeoEngineering programs that are ongoing right now. Go outside and look up.
You are all being sprayed from above by planes which deposit metal nano-particles into the atmosphere, these are not contrails because they don't disappear but instead turn into clouds, if you cannot see this you are a complete idiot. Further, today's jet engines are known as high bypass turbo, and they are almost incapable of producing contrails except at very very high altitudes which would be too far away to see.
They can spray whatever they want, it is all being done under a secret special access program, they can dose you with whatever they want.
These Geo Engineering / Climate Engineering / Chemtrail programs were created by the Jew David Keith.
Notice how the sun is extremely intense now? It is because these Geo Enginnering / Climate Engineering / Chemtrail programs destroy the ozone layer and at the same time create artificial clouds so that you cant see what is going on.
40,000 feet and under they are using planes to spray you with metals that kill the environment, cause alzheimers and cancer, this will eventually cause a mass extinction event save for those who know about it and will be able to survive it.
Watch the fucking shills try to tear this up!
GeoEngineeringWatch.org has all the answers.