Anonymous ID: 7fd5db 1/4 May 31, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.9404991   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5014 >>5197 >>5215 >>5307 >>5319 >>5583

Why is this happening now?

With protests turning quickly into violent rioting, complete with rampant property destruction and looting as well as vicious physical assults on both civilians and law enforcement, every normal American must ask themselves: What are these mayors and governors who are not only not condemning this violent lawlessness, but in some cases actually encouraging it, thinking?


Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has expressed support for ANTIFA (1) in the past, tweeting out a photo of himself with ANTIFA material signalling his approval. Various mayors have made excuses ranging from anger over perceived racism or some sense of rage over decades of perceived oppression. But a quick perusal of live feeds and recordings shown by the media show that not all who are protesting are black Americans. Many are white or other ethnicities. The once-peaceful assembly to express legitimate displeasure or outrage over the death of a black man by a white policeman were quickly coopted (2) and the violence (3) and mob mentality spread like wildfire (4) in each city.


Many small businesses have been destroyed, many of which were owned by minorities. The senselessness of property destruction and looting (5) is not lost on the average American. Will those bring the dead man back to life? Will looting an Apple, Louis Vitton oe Nike store somehow take away the pain of the deceased's family (6)? Of course not. Torching a family restaurant or police station will accomplish nothing either. So why is this happening? Why is it happening now?


Besides the obvious premise of a man being killed, there are a confluence of factors that are being exploited to maximum effect. 40 million Americans are out of work, countless small businesses many the dreams of the owners are closed forever.

Anonymous ID: 7fd5db 2/4 May 31, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.9405014   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5032 >>5197 >>5215 >>5319


Financial insecurity and anxiety, coupled with a constant bombardment of panic over the coronavirus and massive release of violent felons (for their safey, of course), the effect of being enclosed for two months and the uncertainty of the future are a witch's brew, and the final ingredient was added, just when states were opening up and hope was making a comeback for a large segment of society. Add in an organized, violent insurrection force that is well-funded, mobile and highly motivated and you have explosive violence outbreaks wherever protests occur.


What an emotionally exhausting turn of events โ€“ just as the coronavirus fades and society opens up, out pops the perfect opportunity for wanton destruction, lawlessness and social disarray. Just as society begins to open up, citizens begin to go outside to enjoy the sunshine, good weather and fresh air, to patronize local businessses as a show of support and solidarity, violent riots are popping up. Mayors have said that "outsiders," that is, people who are not from those cities, are the ones engaging in the property destruction. But why? Why is George Soros funded ANTIFA, now designated a terrorist organization(7), being mobilized (8) and disseminated to every protest city? And now plans to go into the suburbs (9) to wreak havoc? What is the purpose of such an organized act of insurrection?


In order to answer that we must first ask, what is being suggested already as a result of coronavirus? Massive surveillance, "contact tracing" to track your movements and interactions exactly like China does, and mandatory mail-in voting for all. None of these would have been even considered remotely acceptable before, and yet they are portrayed as must-do items, which absolutely must be done now and made permanent. Ask yourself why would any American accept these things when every cold and flu season passes?

Anonymous ID: 7fd5db 3/4 May 31, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.9405032   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5060 >>5197 >>5215 >>5319


Why do we go out and vote in person every November, during the flu seasons and even though the coronavirus is far, far safer (99.74% recovery rate) than the seasonal influenza, we must now abandon this tried and true method of expressing our rights in our democratic Republic in favor of a method that is rife with existing fraud?


What good can come of violent riots? "Social justice?" Not hardly, though a laudable goal, burning down my neighbor's business that she has put her life savings into, destroying her livelihood and rendering her employees without jobs (just when they got back to work) does not change anything for the better. How can any citizen see what is occurring and support the increasing actions of politicians who encourage lawlessness (declining to prosecute criminals, releasing violent felons and sex perverts -for their safey- and decriminalize theft and violence and drugs), punish those who want to go about their lives and contribute to society, yet continue to tell us, average Americans that we are somehow the root of all social ills and in fact are responsible for the criminal behavior we see? We elect them to represent our interests, whether left, center or right, and what is occurring in our country today does not serve the interest of the American people, regardless where we stand.


What is called for now is that every American citizen stand shoulder to shoulder and unite in saying "this is not how we solve our differences, violent rioting, looting and lawlessness is unacceptable - this ends now." And come November, we might look back at who was truly representing the interests of citizens, and who was exploiting the uncertainty, anxiety, fear and pain of the American people, by their words and deeds and support of insurrection, to regain power for their own sake.

Anonymous ID: 7fd5db 4/4 May 31, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.9405060   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5197 >>5215 >>5319


(1) (Chicago Tribune)












OC, please share.

Anonymous ID: 7fd5db May 31, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.9405293   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5348


America, as opposed to what we are told, is NOT a "proposition nation." We do not have magic soil where once someone crosses an invisible (but legal) line, they magically become "one of us" or "just like us." Like ancient Greece, citizenship must mean something, and it must be concrete, not just "an idea." Teddy Roosevelt had something to say about this and the entire premise of hyphenated Americans.

Anonymous ID: 7fd5db May 31, 2020, 8 p.m. No.9405474   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5490


Thank you! I had to make some unnatural paragraph breaks, but it's okay, it still comes across okay I think.


We see, we write, we show, where we can.

Doing it.



all in one post, saves you characters and is easier to read:

>>9405319 Nationwide Riots - Why is this happening now?



Anonymous ID: 7fd5db May 31, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9405527   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5540


>What they WRITE, will escape the confines (yes I mean confines) of /qr

>and will be seen by many!

That's goal. It's now or never.

DOING IT instead of talking/typing about it, complaining about mockingbird media bullshit.

Title is good for normies (written for normies) I think. Always open, highest quality output is what matters.

We are in this together.