The lady tearing down a peaceful ceremony set-up in this video clip shows how not to red-pill. It got a discussion board talking about Q Anon in a negative way. When people asked what Q Anon was, one guy posted links to Q articles in the Atlantic and said, “remember Pizza gate? That’s a start. They are conspiracy theorists that think George Soros, the Clintons, Bill Gates and the DNC are satanic child sex trafficking evil people manipulating the system. That they and Fauci created COVID in a lab in Wuhan so that they can make Millions off of a vaccine. All the anti Bill Gates propaganda you see derives from them. I can go on and on.”
Nevertheless, some folks with discernment might read that and the articles and think it may be something to look into, perhaps quietly, as the MSM mininformation campaigns become more obvious, even to the sheep.