Anonymous ID: 4d7af8 May 31, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.9405992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6051

Excuse me for being simple minded or stating the obvious, but just my theory of why this George Floyd thing even happened.


Now, I’m still undecided on if covid19 was something created and used to try and beat trump/attack economy, or if it was planned for HILLARY’S presidency ( almost vomited after typing that) and this was supposed to be the event to initiate our slavery. Regardless, there’s no doubt that this coronavirus was supposed to go on MUCH longer than it will/has. They needed another event to scare us inside and might even use the riots as an excuse for mail in voting (I.e I’m too scared to leave my house and go to the polls and vote!)


I just hope with Barr investigating this that some real truth will come out and stop these riots in their tracks. As well as flip the script on the dems.