Anonymous ID: 829cc4 May 31, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.9406285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the end, Shaddack descends into complete madness, his plan goes terribly wrong, most of the townspeople revert into super-creatures, and death fills the streets and homes of Moonlight Cove. The town has literally become a place of 'kill or be killed'. Seeing that nothing can stop the town's descent into chaos, the Chief of Police, Loman Watkins, vows to kill Shaddack, which will automatically and simultaneously kill every converted person in the community. As part of each 'conversion' Shaddack has placed a microchip inside each person that will kill them should Shaddack's heart stop (i.e. should he be killed).


The novel concludes quickly and very dynamically. Shaddack is killed, most of the town dies, Sam, Tessa, and Chrissie survive and the FBI is sent in to clean up the mess.