Anonymous ID: e69b4b May 31, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.9405648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5711

It is clear the clown sheep on the ground can not think for themselves. That got me thinking, how does fuck 12 just come out of nowhere to be spray painted everywhere? What if it is a message from higher up the food chain? What if the twelve refers to the Majestic 12? Who has the highest clearance to the most important information?


original members:


Lloyd Berner

Detlev Bronk

Vannevar Bush

James Forrestal

Gordon Gray

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter

Jerome Clarke Hunsaker

Donald H. Menzel

Robert M. Montague

Sidney Souers

Nathan F. Twining

Hoyt Vandenberg


The USS Forrestal was named after JamesForrestal.

The worst fire in naval history happened on that ship.


Was no name’s wetstart a fuck 12?


fire at will