This is getting ridiculous, Q. When do we see these rats get arrested? I've seen enough live streams to get triggered for a millenia. RIP businesses, even the White House guard house was set on fire. WTF!?
I mean I've been reporting some of these streams to the FBI LOL. lets gooooooooooo
Police firing in Sacramento lol
US Marshalls, National guard, ATF are in DC tonight
I've been looking. That beta cuck yangganger took his down when he ran home to mommy (literally)
Reporting about DC now on Fox News, no current footage… National Guard, US Marshalls, Secret Service… all LE are on the ground. Seem to be hiding what is happening.
Second report about US Marshalls.
Could this really be it? these are 100% the organized protests we were told in 2017 by Q
K, this is getting retarded. Pls arrest. Fucking hell Q, what the fuck.
We just got caught in a shootout on 3rd ave. Multiple shots fired. Several people took off running.
Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.