None, but lots if Antifa was rightly declared a terrorist group when they should have been. Woeful blindness and a lefty judge = pass. Everyone was just swept up in the moment thanks to the toxic environment set by Drumpfft is what they will say. Anyways, this is a movement that dies when the money is seized, particularly the foreign one making its way into the universities. Right now, Democratic elected cities and states are receiving the PAIN they voted for, by their own hand.
When a law is broken and someone is inclined to enforce it.
Super. Antifa is banking on the cops to shoot some looters and/or protestors during any sweeping action of force. If none occurs, not bait is taken, expect some heavies to assassinate a few and make it look like the law did it. Antifa uses BLM like cattle to steer off of a cliff. BLM, uses Antifa to pad their numbers and display. It is a typical Marxist deal, one group thinking the other will be of use, and the other planning their demise when they are of no use anymore.