Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.9408738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743

>>9408377 pb


Yeah, I'm not being some sort of complainer guy if we don't get arrests right now.


Trump is starting to do things. Military in DC, Antifa Terrorists, Facebook a Publisher. Fact is, we've been taking it and not dishing it out for 3+ years, and I haven't liked it one bit. But I can accept that, if there is a plan that works, and a plan that requires timing.


He's doing some shit, and I read the full text of the executive order, didn't know what to think initially, and I got it, and I like it.


Trump needs to do something pretty soon about the masks. I'm in Maine, and every week it seems, the Democrat Governor seems to make the masks more and more mandatory. I don't want the masks at all. This is like the Flu. Make sure the Nursing Homes are safe. Give the people in the nursing homes, including the staff that work there, especially the staff that work there, HCQ to prevent (not necessarily something that Trump can do). What Trump should be able to do is get the CDC guidelines changed. Trump should be able to fire the people that work at the CDC and replace them with new people who will implement the new guidelines. He should be able to get the new guidelines implemented without firings, but the firing option is there, so it's not a situation where Trump wants an outcome and can't accomplish it because the Democrat Governors like the outcome of lots of dead nursing home patients. Anyway. No more masks.


My Fellow Americans, we have been experiencing a medical crisis not seen since 2 years ago. We live in a world with viruses. Until now, we have understood this, we lived our lives with the understanding that viruses existed, and that we might get them. But we lived our lives. Until this March. This March, I was told that we might be facing some sort of Super Virus that would cause catastrophe if immediate and overwhelming action was not taken. In March, it looked like that catastrophe might happen, and those actions were taken. Months have passed, and the economy has been hard hit. Our actions are likely to have saved some lives, but, as we stand now, we have a greater understanding of this virus. This virus is infectious, but not particularly deadly. Although the effects aren't identical, in many respects, this virus is similar to the Flu. We know that this virus has caused a lot of deaths in nursing homes, and it remains important that we do what we can to make nursing homes free of the virus and free of deaths. Democrats seem to want to kill nursing home patients in their states, so it's been a difficult task to get the governors to tell the nursing homes to give the hydroxychloroquine to prevent the virus. I do not have the absolute power to force the governors to give the nursing home patients the HCQ. If they had kept the virus out of the nursing homes and used medicine to treat the people with the virus, many lives would have been saved, but the Democrat Governors chose to let them die. Some governors went as far as to violate CDC guidelines, such as Cuomo, who sent people with the virus into nursing homes, causing some of those nursing home residents to get sick and die. If it wasn't for Cuomo violating CDC guidelines, there wouldn't have been so many deaths.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 12:39 a.m. No.9408743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823




Anyway, at this point we're looking at a situation where more than half of the deaths are in nursing homes. If the Governors had done a great job, and just kept the virus out of the nursing homes, we would have had less than half the deaths. And we're looking at a situation where, outside of the nursing homes, few are dying, but their economic and financial situations are a wreck. It's time to call this all off. And it's not clear that I can tell these Democrat Governors to stop destroying their economies, but what I can do is immediately announce a new set of CDC guidelines that I've either worked hard with the CDC to make great or are forcing down the CDCs throats, and the new CDC guidelines are, basically, "back to normal". And, later today, the details will be released in full, but I will tell you, right now, no more masks. At most, masks are optional. No push to wear masks should be made by any entity, especially the government. The ability of cloth masks to actually prevent is very questionable. The danger of masks has been understated. It is simply not crystal clear that masks provide any net benefit. It is more clear that hydroxychloroquine provides benefits in excess of risks than masks provide those benefits. I'll add that the new CDC guidelines now allow for large public gatherings like rock shows, just like before, with no concern for social distancing. These public gatherings, the Democrat Governors all agreed, were non essential. And what must be noted about these activities that are non essential is that, if you're concerned about the virus, you don't have to participate. We don't have to make these activities safe if you don't have to go. If you're afraid of the virus, simply stay home. And, as an aside, there will be NFL, and there will be fans in the stands, and if you are afraid of the virus, just sell your tickets. There will be plenty of people who are tired of being locked down who will buy those tickets from you. God Bless America.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 1:17 a.m. No.9408999   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're confusing me. I made a mock "My Fellow Americans" speech to give some idea of what I'd like to see Trump do. It sounds fairly on point, I think.


I've found that I've been ahead of Trump on some things that he's done. I'm not sure at all what the correlation or the cause and effect might be, but it seems like I'm a bit before some of the things that he's done. We did a lot here on HCQ, I mentioned it on Facebook, and then he talked about it, and HCQ hasn't been something that has caused the vaccine industry and the people they bribe to say hail Trump, but I'd say it was worthwhile for Trump to mention it. It has cured and prevented in the US. The action on making Publisher was something I support but I didn't mention it with that specificity, but I did type around those ideas. I went to Facebook with #doitq about 24 hours ago for the first time and to facebook with Antifa are terrorists and Soros is a terrorist. I've been keeping that talk here. I'm doing something that's aligned with Trump, not sure exactly how, maybe it's just imaginary, but I'm noticing the correlations. I don't do much politics on Facebook, but this is the 2nd time Trump has been on point with what I said on Facebook in the last 3 months less than 2 days later. But I'm not Trump that was just me trying to write something in a Trump friendly way if the correlation might work in that way. Trying to dial up the utility if it works that way.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 1:46 a.m. No.9409172   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did they have protests at nursing homes?


Because more than half the deaths have been in nursing homes.


Yeah, maybe more people will get the virus who were out there protesting, but the people out there protesting are not the people who are going to get seriously ill from the virus.


Keep the people in the nursing homes safe, or start to make the nursing homes virus free. Situations where there are at risk people, there have been months to figure out how to get them food without them having to go to the supermarket.


This is pretty much nothing at this point. Let's have rock concerts again and NFL in September with fans. And no more masks.


Since I'm smarter than most governors and went to a better law school than the governor of my state, I'll type out some new rules for a state that might just work better. I know that Dem Govs really just want to increase the chokehold on the non rioting churchgoing GOP types who would prefer not to wear a mask, but here goes.


Walmart should be safe, mostly, but I don't think Walmart needs to be super duper safe 24/7. Walmarts hours need to go back to normal. Typically, at least in my area, Walmarts close at midnight. They cut the hours to a 10 close and they're now at a 8:30 p close. Back to midnight. What exactly is the rationale for an early close at this point? In March, and in April, there were no lines. Things were pretty normal. Now, there are lines there after 8 p, and people are standing in lines wearing masks. Unnecessarily shitty.


Solution. Hour 1 every day is "AT RISK HOUR" at risk only. They have at risk hours every so often, but not necessarily every day. Then, set the next hours as "MASK HOURS". Walmart either mandates or strongly encourages Mask usage during Mask Hours. Let's say that mask hours go to 5p or 7p. After "mask hours" are "normal hours". During normal hours, people act exactly like they would act 4 months ago, before covid.


The general philosophy, expressed in slogan form, would be "Day Safe, Normal Night"


Karen will be able to go the Walmart during the day and see everyone or almost everyone wearing a mask and following arrows on the floor. After Karen gets her chance to shop, the people who just want things to go back to normal will be able to shop in a normal way.


What we've learned is that the epidemiologists (sp?) are way way off. So, we really shouldn't be looking at those people as true experts at things like this. They have been very very wrong, and if you remove from them the presumption that they actually know something, you can easily come up with a hybrid system that works for as many people as possible. The safety conscious during the day, the dudes who want to get laid in bars can do that. And I can go see my concerts again at night, under normal rules.


The rules against spitting in someone elses mouth should stay in place.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 1:52 a.m. No.9409218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9232 >>9241 >>9278



The problem has always been The JEWS.


Whites and Blacks can get along fine, especially where there aren't JEWS around trying to find ways to get the Blacks to hate the Whites and the Whites to hate the Blacks.


Soros is a JEW. Funds Antifa. Antifa is running around, taking over a fairly legit, fairly peaceful black protest. Jew funds whites to wreck the black thing. Classic model of JEW fuckery.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.9409260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9272 >>9297



That was a Billionaire JEW funding whites to wreck things to make blacks look bad, driving up the hostility between blacks and whites, so that they get distracted from the real problem, which is the JEWS.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 2:01 a.m. No.9409273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9280



Jew Rothschild funded Soros in the 1960s. He's above Soros.


Jew Soros funds or funded Antifa. Antifa are the ones who are turning the protests into riots. Antifa is largely white.

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 2:04 a.m. No.9409296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9302 >>9309 >>9323



This is an interesting question.


We saw the White guy break the windows at the Auto Zone. Blacks went in and stole stuff.


My question is - I haven't seen the footage - who exactly is doing the arson? Who benefits from the arson?


I get how blacks might like the free stuff. I can see how they might take the free stuff. Free stuff benefits them. But who is benefiting from courthouse on fire?

Anonymous ID: 6ca919 June 1, 2020, 2:18 a.m. No.9409362   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When Democrat Governors discover that cloth masks are ineffective against tear gas, will they require that people wear masks that are effective against tear gas? For our safety, in case we want to riot?