Anonymous ID: b7aa96 June 1, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.9412239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2253


The evidence supporting the claim that Trump raped a 13 year old Katie Johnson is flimsy at best. The sum total of this evidence comes down to Johnson’s statement that “Trump did it”. The only supporting evidence is a sworn affidavit from an anonymous person known only as Tiffany Doe, which other lawyers have said that “no lawyer in his right mind would sign off on that kind of statement”. Furthermore, Johnson claims she didn’t know who Trump was until she saw him on The Apprentice which ran from 2004 - 2015. Somewhere between 10 and 20 years after the incident, and a year before the presidential election, Johnson appears to have had a revelation on who her abuser was.


Upon the revelation of who her abuser was, instead of reporting any crimes to the police, FBI, or even a lawyer, Johnson instead relayed her story to Steve Baer (a loud Anti-Trumper) who, instead of contacting authorities, produced a video of Johnson recounting her experience. In 2015 Norm Lubow then became involved as he attempted to sell the video to various media outlets for $1million. Only after the video failed to sell did someone, with very poor legal knowledge, submit a claim in California.


This lawsuit failed, after which media outlets like Revelist and Jezebel contacted Johnson’s team and eventually interviewed Johnson (Revelest) and Lubow (Jezebel). Both journalists left the interviews “confused and doubtful”. Jezebel furthermore claims to have been harassed by Lubow and to have received false texts claiming to have come from Johnson. Furthermore, the subsequent lawsuits contained information describing events Virginia Roberts had previously detailed in her journals, or simply didn’t happen such as the large sex orgies discredited by Miami-Dade Police Detective Fisten.


After dropping the case in 2016, claiming she feared for her safety, Johnson then gave an interview to The Daily Mail and provided them unblurred publicity shots which clearly revealed her face but she still maintained the pseudonym Katie Johnson. This might be considered an odd decision considering her concerns over her physical safety.


The accusations in the Johnson vs Trump/Epstein lawsuit must be weighed against the other available evidence concerning Trump, his association with Epstein, and his involvement with the Epstein case.


Trump had known Epstein since 1989 however the closeness of his relationship is unknown. Trump is alleged by Epstein’s brother to have flown on the “Lolita Express” at least once, however flight logs, which are available for all of Epstein's aircraft, fail to indicate Trump ever flew with Epstein. The only available evidence showing a relationship between Trump and Epstein is Epstein’s address book which lists 14 different contact numbers for Trump, and a message pad indicating Trump had attempted to contact Epstein on 4 occasions in or around 2004.



Anonymous ID: b7aa96 June 1, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.9412253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2266




Trump appears to have severed his relationship with Epstein after banning him from Maralago for sexually assaulting an underage staff member of the resort sometime in 2006 either shortly before or shortly after the Epstein story broke. This was first publicly mentioned in James Patterson’s book on Epstein (13) and has been confirmed independently by lawyer Brad Edwards in his affidavit given to the Florida state court (12).


Furthermore, in Edwards affidavit he clearly stated that he felt Trump was in no way involved in “untoward” activities with Epstein (12) a statement which he repeated again as recently as December 2018 (14). It can be inferred from these statements that none of 11 Epstein victims Edwards was representing indicated Trump’s involvement either.


Trump's lack of involvement with Epstein’s sexual proclivities is further supported by the statement of Detective Mike Fisten who said that after he and the FBI had interviewed “hundreds” of witnesses neither the Miami-Dade police nor the FBI found any evidence linking Trump to any sexual assault victim involved in the Epstein case.


Trump also stands out at the only high profile name mentioned in the Epstein affair to provide testimony supporting the victims without need for subpoena (*14) . It might be considered unusual for a rapist to lend support to 11 victims who could then potentially identify him in other assault cases and subsequently lead to perjury charges.


The accusations of Katie Johnson contain discrepancies and has failed to provide any substantial proof beyond a corroborating statement from the as yet unknown anonymous individual Tiffany Doe. It is has been promoted to generate money since 2015 and used as a tool to discredit Trump since early 2016. Journalists have expressed doubt about whether or not Katie Johnson is an actual person or just a role played by an actress, and no confirmed Epstein victim has as yet come forward to substantiate Johnson’s claims.


Ample evidence does, however, exist to show Trump has acted on behalf of Epstein victims, has disavowed Epstein, and has been cleared of wrongdoing by Miami-Dade police, the FBI, and even Epstein’s victims lawyer.


The entire affair appears to be some strange partisan attack on then candidate Trump with no real desire to proceed to court. The players on Johnson’s side have been referred to as “fame whoring”, hot headed and “harrassing”. Even today Johnson’s representatives seem to be trying to find angles on ways to generate money from the failed lawsuits. On the “Justice For Katie” website it appears that a non-blurred version of Johnson’s statement is available behind a pay-wall. Clear photos of Johnson are to be seen on The Daily Mail website, a newspaper known to pay for stories.


It’s a well known principal in propaganda that the damage from the propagation of a lie is long term and lasting even well after the lie is proven untrue, so long as the lie permeates deeply enough in the collective consciousness of the population.



Anonymous ID: b7aa96 June 1, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.9412266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2298







Claims were made that Donald J Trump raped a 13 year old girl, accompanied by Jeffrey Epstein while at an apartment owned by Epstein in New York in or around 1994.


The claimant, formerly known as “Jane Doe”, and now known by the pseudonym Katie Johnson, independently filed a $100m suit against both Trump and Epstein on April 26, 2016 in California. The suit claims Epstein held Johnson as a slave and that Trump raped her at the age of 13, and took her virginity. She maintained that Trump and Epstein threatened her and her family if she did not comply with their sexual demands. The suit also contained claims that Trump threw money at Johnson saying the cash should be used for an abortion. Finally, the suit further named additional victims, known as Marie Doe and Tiffany Doe. The suit claimed that Tiffany Doe would testify on behalf of Johnson in order to corroborate evidence.


The original documents from this claim can be found here:


The lawsuit was thrown out of court on May 2, 2016 after it was found that the address listed on the suit was a foreclosed home and the phone number listed was also invalid. The suit also cited statutes which did not apply to the case. Johnson was ordered to pay her own court fees and legal expenses for the erroneous filing.


On June 20, 2016 Johnson filed another suit against Trump and Epstein in a New York state court. Johnson was now represented by lawyer Thomas Francis Meagher. Meagher is a patent lawyer in New Jersey who took on Johnson’s case after learning about it on a gossip website. By his own admission, Meagher had never taken upon a sexual misconduct case previously (1). Both the DailyBeast (2) and Jezebel (*3) expressed doubt on the validity of these claims and representation by Meagher. Discrepancies were noted in the June 20 filing, amongst others an omission of the April 26 filing’s claim that Trump threw money at Johnson for an abortion.


The original documents for the June 20 filing can be found here:


The lawsuit was withdrawn again, and re-submitted on Sept. 30. Johnson was now being represented by Evan Goldman, a civil litigation attorney and Lisa Bloom, a civil rights attorney. Bloom resides on the west coast, so Goldman was chosen as the acting attorney as he was in New York. Also on Johnson’s team were Norm Lubow, a former producer for the Jerry Springer show, and Steve Baer who is a known “never Trump” Republican and whose daughter founded the organization “Vote Trump Get Dumped”.


On Nov 2, 2016 Johnson was scheduled to appear at a press conference, however she did not show up, claiming concern over her safety due to threats against her life. She then dropped the suit on Nov 4, 2016 further claiming concerns for her safety. On Dec. 16 was ordered by Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams ordered a status conference on the law suit.


An original copy of the status conference order can be found here:


Johnson originally only gave 1 interview to Revelist’s Emily Shugerman, and Tiffany Doe would not appear for any interviews before Nov 2016. Only after Johnson dropped her lawsuit did she agree to an interview with The Daily Mail newspaper, and Tiffany Doe only agreed to a phone interview and would still not reveal her identity. A video, however, was released by Johnson’s legal team where she recounts her story on camera. The video was shopped out by Norm Lubow, acting under the pseudonym Al Taylor, for $1 million to various news outlets. The video is currently available to view with Johnson’s identity blurred on the Justice for Katie website, and a non-blurred version appears available, possibly behind a paywall? This is a little strange as Johnson has provided photos of herself to The Daily Mail which are viewable on their website (9, 10)


The video Johnson released can be found here: