Did you know American homes are forced to be built to be easily burnt down?
Therefore, this site has to be run like a war room or America is going to be screwed. I am going to name names and point out exactly who the enemy is, and if this site ends up biting the dust over it there's nothing I can do, it is either fight or die now.
To those who don't realize this:
America is one of a very few countries that builds with wood, "codes" making it impossible to build a home that can't be burned down were put in place unilaterally across America by the freemasons to make good and sure anyone could be burned out when "needed".
This is common in "first world" countries. All countries we call "third world" build with concrete and brick.
There is no such thing as a brick home in the United States. The bricks HAVE TO be supported by wood, and if the wood is removed, the bricks are required by law to fall.
It has to be guaranteed possible, BY LAW for American homes to be burned down on demand with the exception of a few rural areas of states like Montana and Wyoming. That's why everything is wood in the U.S. and it is B.S., wooden homes are CRAP that are only expensive because the materials are so inferior they require an egregious amount of highly skilled work to get them to survive use. Then the ants and termites eat them. Storms blow them over. They rot. And most importantly, THEY ARE NOW AN OPTION FOR THE SOROS FAMILY AND GREATER JEWISH COMMUNITY TO SEND HEATHENS TO AND BURN. I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS THEY WERE GOING TO DO THIS, AND NOW IT IS HAPPENING.